今年,是五四运动80周年的纪念日。 80年前,以先进青年知识分子为先锋的中国人民,发起了一场规模空前的爱国运动。运动首先从北京发起,迅速波及全国。学生罢课、工人罢工、商人罢市,各种集会、游行如火如荼。运动以反对北洋政府签订丧权辱国的“二十一条约”为突破口,顿开了中国思想界、政治界的新局面。它不仅提出“非大倡科学和民主不能
This year marks the 80th anniversary of the May 4th Movement. 80 years ago, the Chinese people, pioneering young intellectuals, launched an unprecedented patriotic movement. The campaign was first launched from Beijing and quickly spread to the whole country. Student strike, workers strike, businessmen strike the city, all kinds of rallies, parades in full swing. The campaign broke the “Twenty-one Treaty” signed by the Beiyang government for humiliation and humiliation, opening up a new situation in the Chinese intellectual and political circles. It not only put forward "non-major advocacy of science and democracy can not