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中华人民共和国文化部、中国人民解放军总政治部文化部派出联合慰问演出团,春节期间赴唐山演出,慰问在严重震灾面前经受了考验,在揭批“四人帮”及在“抓纲治国”初见成效的一年中获得突出成绩的英雄的唐山人民。文化部付部长林默涵任慰问团团长,总政文化部顾问陈播、文化部艺术局付局长关鹤童任付团长。慰问团共分四个分团,即中国京剧团,中国话剧团,总政歌剧团及北京部队政治部边防文艺工作队。他们分别演出了京剧《蝶恋花》、话剧《转折》、歌剧《刘胡兰》和音乐、曲艺、魔术等节目。慰问团共有三百五十七人。慰问团在各种演出和慰问场所多次宣读并散发了《致英雄的唐山地区各级党委、革委会、驻军党委、英雄的唐山地区全体阶级亲人的慰问信》。慰问团发扬革命文艺队伍的光荣传统深入厂矿、车间、部队驻地、农村社队、医院、病房、为工农兵演出,还到因震灾失去父母的孤儿学习的育红学校演出。散戏后,他们还同剧场工作人员一起把因灾致伤的群众背出剧场,送到家里。 The Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Culture of the General Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army sent a joint condolence performance group to Tangshan during the Spring Festival to show their condolences. The condolences have stood the test of serious earthquake disaster, exposing and criticizing the “Gang of Four” See the heroic Tangshan people who have made outstanding achievements in the year. Lin Minhan, minister of the Ministry of Culture, served as head of the consultative group, Chen Chen, consultant of the General Political Department of the Ministry of Culture, and Guan He Tong, director of the bureau of arts of the Ministry of Culture. The delegation is divided into four sub-groups, namely, the Chinese Peking Opera Troupe, the Chinese Repertory Theater, the Grand Duchess Opera Troupe and the Border Defense Literary Work Team of the Beijing Army Political Department. They performed Beijing Opera “Butterfly Love Flower”, drama “Turning Point”, opera “Liu Hulan” and music, folk art, magic and other programs. The mission totaled 375. The condolence group read many times and distributed “a letter of condolences to all the class members and relatives of the heroic Tangshan region at all levels of the party committees, the revolutionary committees and the military committees and heroes in Tangshan area.” The consultative group carried forward the glorious tradition of revolutionary literary and art personnel to perform in the factories, mines, workshops, military units, rural communes, hospitals and wards and performed for the workers, peasants and soldiers. They also performed at the Yudhoo School, where parents orphaned children lost their parents because of the earthquake. After the play, they also returned to the theater with the theater staff and the masses who were injured by the disaster out of the theater.
李永明著《衡阳方言》 长沙湖南人民出版社 1986年 共495页 本书是李永明有关衡阳方言的第二部著作,第一部只涉及词汇(见《东亚语言学杂志》第十五集第一期179—180页,1986
人总是这样,小时候想着快点长大有多好,而现在长大了却总是怀念小时候的时光。小时候真好,悠悠的暑假配上冰镇的西瓜就好。小时候独有的是什么呀?有的就是那些玩具了吧。  我很喜欢玩具,尤其爱小熊娃娃。从刚记事起,我每天都要拉着我的小熊骑士到院子里“视察”。大人们很忙,走路都急匆匆的,肯定是有什么重要的事情吧。我更喜欢小孩儿,院子里有许多小孩儿,和他们一起上蹿下跳是每天的必备课。而我的小熊骑士忠心耿耿,保
Direct aldol reactions of aldehydes and ketones can proceed smoothly in the presence of a catalytic amount of naphthol/sodium naphtholate(5 mol%) to afford the
八一厂的同志们: 粉碎四人帮以来,特别是党的三中全会以来,我国电影事业不断繁荣,陆续出了一批优秀影片。做为一个军人,我更盼望着八一厂能生产出更多的好作品。可是,遗憾的