采访完毕,记者颇感为难,结合自己阅读的资料,记者可以说句并非主观的话:深圳的孵化器虽然成效卓著,但从理论到实践都还有待进步。没有太多的闪光点,文章如何做? 考虑再三,还是觉得应该就自己的实际采访,把深圳的孵化器的现状与操作理念纪录下来,供读者参考,因为对于很多企业和个人来说它还是一个新鲜的、值得关注的事物;并希望在不久的将来,可以骄傲地向外宣传深圳孵化器的先进经验。
The interview was completed, the reporter quite embarrassed, combined with reading their own information, the reporter can say is not a subjective remark: Shenzhen's incubator, although effective, but both theory and practice have yet to be improved. Do not have too many bright spots, the article how to do? Consider again and again, or think it should be their own actual interviews, the status of Shenzhen Incubator and operating concepts recorded for readers reference, because for many businesses and individuals it is still a Fresh and worthy of attention; and hopefully in the near future, it can proudly publicize the advanced experience of Shenzhen incubator.