病例 患者 ,男 ,2月。系第三胎、第三产 ,足月顺产 ,生后自然啼哭。因发育迟缓、反应迟钝和抽风来我院就诊。查体 :生长迟缓 ,头围 36 .5cm ,前囟 2cm ,平坦 ,面容特殊 ,头形异常 ,前后径长 ,眼距宽 ,眼内陷 ,小眼球 ,视力差 ,鼻孔朝天 ,人中长 ,上唇薄 ,高颚弓 ,小下颌 ,
Case patient, male, February. Department of the third child, the third birth, term full-term pregnancy, naturally crying after birth. Because of stunting, unresponsiveness and ventilation to our hospital. Physical examination: growth retardation, head circumference 36.5cm, bregma 2cm, flat, special face, abnormal head shape, long anteroposterior diameter, wide ocular anterior chamber, eye retraction, small eyeball, poor eyesight, Upper lip thin, high jaw bow, small jaw,