历史是人民创造的,但历史又反过来启迪人民。在共产党人决心铲除腐败现象这一毒瘤的今天,重温历史不无必要。 黄炎培的忠告 早在1945年,抗日战争胜利在即。在延安的窑洞中,穿着一身打着补钉的衣服的中国共产党领袖毛泽东主席在问及中国民主同盟的重要成员黄炎培先生访问延安的感想时,黄老先生坦率地道出了以下一段意味深长的话:“我生60多年,耳闻的不说,所亲眼见到的,真所谓‘其兴也浡焉’,‘其亡也忽焉’。一人、一家、一团体、一地方乃至一国,不少单位都没有能跳出这周期率的支配力。……一部历史,‘政怠宦成’的也有,‘人亡政息’的也有,‘求荣取辱’的也有。总之,没有能跳出这周期率。中共诸君从过去到现在,我略略了解的了,就是希望找出一条新路,来跳出这周期率的支配。”对此,毛泽东主席充满信心地答道:“我们已经找到了新路,我们能跳出这周期率。这条新路就是民主,只有让人民来监督政府,政府才不敢松懈。只有人人起来负责,才不会人亡政息。”
History is created by the people, but history in turn inspires the people. Today, when the Communists are determined to eradicate the cancer of corruption, it is not unnecessary to review history. Huang Yanpei’s advice as early as 1945, the victory of the Anti-Japanese War is imminent. When Chairman Mao Zedong, the leader of the Communist Party of China, wearing a patchwork of clothes in Yan’an’s cofferdam, asked Huang Yanpei, an important member of the China Democratic League, for his visit to Yan’an, Mr. Huang candidly stated the following meaningful remark: “I was born for more than 60 years, I heard not to say, what I witnessed, the so-called ’Xing Xing Yan Yan’, ’its death also suddenly Yan.’ One person, a group, a group, a place and even a country, a lot Units have not been able to jump out of this cycle rate of dominance ... ... a history of ’political indignation into’ there are also ’political death’, there are also ’glory’, in short, did not jump out of this cycle rate From the past to the present, I know a little bit about what the Chinese Communists are saying is to find a new way out of the control of this cycle rate. ”In response, Chairman Mao replied with confidence:“ We have found a new road , We can jump out of this cycle rate .This new road is democracy. Only by letting the people supervise the government will the government not dare to loosen up. Only when everyone is responsible can we not die in politics. ”