低血糖可引起多种神经精神症状,而低血糖性偏瘫由于其发病突然,极易与急性脑血管病混淆,本文报道2例,以期引起注意. 例1:女,62岁,发现糖尿病已3年,空腹血糖最高为15.21mmol/L,不规则服用D860片及消渴丸,近来自行加服达美康.入院前2天饥饿乏力明显,起病当天突感右上下肢麻木、活动障碍,不能言语,但无头痛及呕吐.急诊检查:BP16.1/10.4kPa,面色稍苍白,四肢发凉.神志清,颈软,言语困难.心率104次/分,颅神经检查正常,右上下肢肌
Hypoglycemia can cause a variety of neuropsychiatric symptoms, and hypoglycemic hemiplegia because of its sudden onset, easily confused with acute cerebrovascular disease, this article reports 2 cases, in order to attract attention .Example 1: Female, 62 years old, found that diabetes has 3 Year, fasting blood glucose up to 15.21mmol / L, taking irregular D860 tablets and Xiaoke Pill, recently added their own Tyson up. 2 days before admission hungry fatigue was obvious on the day of onset suddenly felt the right upper limb numbness, mobility disorders, can not Speech, but no headache and vomiting. Emergency examination: BP16.1 / 10.4kPa, looking pale pale, cold limbs .Chest, soft neck, speech difficulties .Each heart rate 104 beats / min, normal cranial nerve examination, right upper extremity muscle