履社会责任 创军工辉煌——写在军工集团公司成立15周年之际

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军工集团公司成立15年来,肩负强军与富国双重使命,光荣承担起了支撑国防军队建设、推动科技进步、服务经济社会发展的职责1999年7月1日,十大军工集团公司正式组建成立。15年来,军工集团公司转变发展理念,努力创新发展模式,不断提高发展质量,生产经营实现跨越发展,科技创新取得重大突破。作为关系国家安全和国民经济命脉的重要行业和关键领域,军工集团公司不仅肩负强军报国的使命,而且忠实履行社会责任,不仅为自身发展,更为国家和世界文明进步、民族文化素质进一步提高,作出了巨大努力,为增强我国的经济实力、科技实力、国防实力和民族凝聚力,作出了突出贡献。 In the 15 years since its founding, the Military Industrialization Corporation has the dual mission of strengthening the armed forces and the rich. It has proudly assumed the responsibility of supporting the building of the national defense army and promoting the progress of science and technology and serving the economic and social development. On July 1, 1999, the 10 major military industrial groups and corporations were formally established. Over the past 15 years, COSCO Group has changed its development concept, made efforts to innovate its development model, continuously improved the quality of its development, achieved leapfrog development in production and operation, and made major breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation. As an important industry and key area that relates to the national security and the lifeline of the national economy, the military industrial corporation not only shoulders the mission of strengthening the army but also faithfully fulfills its social responsibility. It not only advances itself but also advances the national and world civilizations and further enhances the national cultural quality Made tremendous efforts and made outstanding contributions to enhancing China’s economic strength, scientific and technological strength, national defense strength and national cohesion.
第一、二例的病历摘要,已于本刊6月号发表。本期刊登的是临床讨论及病理检查部分。第一例临床讨论 (一)诊断方面:本例之特点为突然高烧、全身皮服及粘膜出血、很快的转入昏迷
目的应用甲羟孕酮(Medroxyprogesterone Acetate,MPA)体外逆转人卵巢癌顺铂耐药细胞株SKOV3/DDP的耐顺铂(cisplatin,DDP)效应,并对其可能的作用机制进行初步探讨。方法体外培