A Lively City

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  Jinan, called “The City of Springs”, is the capital city of Shandong province. Due to its deep cultural and historic connotations, it was set as one of the famous historic and cultural cities. As the center of policy, economy, culture, technology, education as well as financial, Jinan takes a huge position in Shandong province even in China. Jinan, an old city, owes more than 4000-year cultural history and 2600-year city construction history, which had been praised by countless literati. However, the charm of Jinan exists not only in ancient poems, but also in our real life, which is touchable, visible and audible. In modern time, Jinan City has also been set up as a tie connecting Beijing and Yangtze River Economic Belt, which is the most economically developed and advanced area in current China. Therefore, this city gains joint support and plenty of policies from Chinese government.
  The profound historic and cultural background as well as merging natural and human landscapes make Jinan unique among lots of historic and cultural cities. Jinan is the birthplace of the prehistoric culture, “Longshan Culture”.
  Centering around springs, Baotu Spring Park is a natural rock and spring garden that is unique in ethnic style. Baotu Spring, the best one among the famous 72 springs in Jinan, is praised as “the first spring under the heaven”. It has witnessed more than 2700-year history. The spring water spurts out in three prongs, with water droplets falling around, just like three piles of snow, which is very spectacular. The spring water is very sweet, optimum for making tea, which is limpid in color, rich in aroma, and good in taste. Sitting under the “Watching Crane Pavilion” in the east side of the spring with a cup of tea in hand, one’s mind will fly far away and hates to leave. The characteristics of Baotu Spring are spring-view, fish-appreciation, tea-tasting, rocks of mountain and unique culture.
  The Black Tiger Spring is ranked as the second most famous spring among the 72 named springs in Jinan. The water of spring stems from moderately-deep circulation. It refers to a water-filled limestone cave, from whose mouth, the water is injected into three ornamental stone-carved tiger heads then a square-shaped spring pool is formed. From this pool, the water infuses into the old city moat, next to which the spring is located. Due to our tradition, there must be a black stone putting in front of the cave in ancient time. The name of the spring is based on the shape and color of the stone which seems like a black tiger. Besides, the sound of the water gushing past the stone being reminiscent of the roar of a tiger.   Thousand Buddha Mountain enjoys the exuberance and verdancy all the time. Legend links the Thousand Buddha Mountain to the sea, which means the mountain was originally located by the sea and the sea god had locked it to prevent the god who take charge of the mountains from moving it around. However, eventually the large lock was broken and the mountain was hurled through the air then moved to its present position. An artwork shaped like a large lock and a piece of chain has been placed on the summit of the mountain which can be regarded a reference of this legend.
  Jinan also witnessed the historical hub of Buddhism in Shandong province, which still can be proved in lots of historic sites in some southern counties of Jinan. Buddhism turned to be popular in Jinan area during the reign of Emperor Wen, the founder of the Sui Dynasty. With Buddhism, monks came here and graved Buddha sculptures out of the flanks of the mountain, which was initially called Miji Hill or Li Hill. A temple, named Qianfosi which is known as the Thousand Buddha Temple was founded at the foot of the hill. At the end, this mountain was renamed after the temple was built. Due to the existence of those religious beliefs, people in this place have already possessed their spiritual belief since the ancient times, which becomes one of the most indispensable parts in the mind of Jinan residents.
  The last one of “Three Greatest Attractions in Jinan”, Daming Lake is located in the northeast part of Jinan, which gathers numerous springs. In a prosperous city, it’s so scarce to boast such a peaceful and stunning natural lake. The most interesting thing for the young generation to realize It is a historic lake which is so huge that occupies almost a quarter of the old city. This lake is not simply a place where used to be a good place full of many people’s childhood memories, it is more than a symbol of their whole life as a local resident in Jinan. Somehow, Jinan is not only famous for its political and economic position, many historical sites and spiritual things also greatly contribute to its reputation in national wide.
【摘要】在知识经济全球化背景下,跨文化交际范围不断扩大,英语作为世界性的通用语言早已奠定了其地位。在进行中英文交流时,往往由于交际双方所处的国家不同,在文化历史、思维方式等方面具有较大差异性,致使交流时容易产生因语言判断错误,而使跨文化交际出错。因此,为了切实掌握好英语这门语言,应当加强对高中生的跨文化意识培养。鉴于此,本文首要分析高中英语教学中跨文化意识培养的重要性,并提出几点培养措施。  【关
【摘要】小学英语教学中会遇到各种性格的学生,每名学生的学习态度、方法有所不同,要针对学生不同的学习方式采取相适合的教学方法,最后才可以取得事半功倍的效果。  【关键词】小学英语 教学 方法  担任英语老师有十年的时间了,在这十年中,我遇到了形形色色的学生,其中不乏有许多的“问题”学生,六年三班的田博欣就是其中的一员,他上课无精打采,沉默不语,一副昏昏欲睡的模样,偶然还搞点小动作,上课从不举手发言;
In a broad sense,Kindergarten teaching is different from the other school teaching.It combines the life and teaching together.Teachers need to give specific ins
【摘要】初中英语学科的教育的主要问题还是学生英语口语的表达能力,从我国当前的英语教育要求来看,英语的听、说、读、写能力是主要培养方向。随着国际社会之间的交流日益密切和市场经济的迅速发展,英语学习对于读、说能力要求越来越高,文章主要针对初中英语教学中学生的语言沟通能力培养问题作出分析和讨论。  【关键词】初中英语 教学培养 语言沟通 教学研究  英语的语言沟通能力是学习的侧重点,是自身英语综合素质的
【摘要】主谓一致是高中英语语法的一项重要的知识内容,在平时的英语练习题和高考中一直为易考点。本文就主谓一致知识点的定义和应用原则进行了基本的概述,以及总结了一些在遵循原则过程中的特殊用法,并结合具体的例句加以分析说明,对整个主谓一致知识点进行了较为全面的解读。通过及时总结,系统掌握重点,分析易错点,能够更为扎实地学好主谓一致语法知识,整体提升英语水平。  【关键词】主谓一致 基本原则 易错点  一
【摘要】当今时代,英语是全世界通用语言,而初中英语的教学是对英语课程进行系统性教学的重要一步,其重要性不言而喻。随着教育教学方法的不断改进,情景教学法作为一种新型教学模式受到广泛的关注,本文通过阐述情景教学法在初中英语教学中的重要意义,分析其应用现状,并提出了一些应对措施。  【关键词】情景教学法 初中英语 教学 措施  一、前言  随着教育教学对英语的重视度不断上升,英语教学方式和方法的改革有着
【摘要】随着国际化的不断推进,我国对英语教学的重视程度越来越高,结合目前的多媒体技术,微视频的教学慢慢的流行起来。初中英语的教学是承上启下的关键阶段,对于学生英语能力的提高是非常重要的。本文从微视频教学入手,希望对初中英语的教学有所帮助。  【关键词】微视频教学 教学资源 初中英语 应用  英语是目前世界上使用最为广泛的语言,对于我国的学生来说,英语的学习是非常重要的。随着科学技术的不断发展,我国
【摘要】采用问卷调查法和访谈法,以陕西省某县农村中学高三英语教师和学生为研究对象,对高考恢复听力背景下的农村中学英语听力教学展开调研,并就听力教学面临的挑战从学生、教师、学校三方面提出一些应对策略。  【关键词】高考恢复听力 农村中学英语教学 挑战 对策  从2016年开始,陕西省高考英语科目自主命题将采用全国试卷。与以往不同的是,英语听力是必考内容,有30分的分值。对偏远的农村中学生来说,他们长
【摘要】《义务教育英语课程标准》要求我们要尽可能多的为学生创造在真实情境中运用语言的机会,并指导学生通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式,发现语言规律,掌握语言技能,形成有效策略,发展自主学习能力。但是教师在真实的语言情境的创设和教学实施过程中依然存在着很多的问题。因此基于课堂实践,提出几点情境创设的原则与四大策略,以供参考与借鉴。  【关键词】情境创设 原则 策略  《义务教育英语课程标准》指