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  In junior middle schools, English is one of the important courses. Vocabulary plays an indispensable role in English teaching. In practical teaching, the proper application of vocabulary teaching strategies determines the improvement of students’ English ability and academic performance.
  The subjects of this survey are four English teachers in junior high school affiliated to Hainan Normal University. Through classroom observation, teachers use the following teaching strategies to teach vocabulary.
  ①The mind mapping strategy
  Mind mapping is a kind of divergent thinking mode, which takes the central word as the object of development to conduct radioactive development. This can help students to build a logical knowledge structure and present a concise and understandable knowledge context.
  After explaining the new words through vivid pictures, teachers assign the task of drawing a mind map with the center word of job position. Due to the careful explanation of the teacher and the change of the homework, most of the students are motivated to complete the homework.
  ②The song introduction strategy
  Using songs to introduce new units can stimulate students’ interest and lay a good foundation for students to learn new lessons.
  This song has played a lot of roles in this class. Be What You Wanna Be contains many jobs, which can educate students to realize their dreams and do what they want to do through hard work. However, from the perspective of students’ performance in class, most of them have heard this song and do not show strong interest. Facing such a situation, teachers Liang should constantly improve their ability to adapt to the situation.
  ③The cooperative learning strategy
  Work in groups to learn vocabulary can enhance the friendship among students, and internalize knowledge.
  After teacher Zhong explains the vocabulary, students work in groups to complete the family tree in the book, and check whether the members in the group can read and spell the words, which is conducive to improving students’ enthusiasm and promoting the growth of friendship. Students can write down the words they have mastered by themselves and learn the unfamiliar words through working in groups.
  ④The strategy of combining initial letters of each word in sentence
  Teacher Pan teach a certain word---family, which can be combined with the theme of this lesson to design theme sentences to cultivate students’ emotion, so as to express their love for their parents. Such as, father and mother I love you. This can tell the students to join the first letter of this sentence together to form the word family. Most students say the sentence loudly to express their love to their family when they know what is the meaning of family.   The following are the problems found in the teaching and corresponding suggestions.
  Firstly, some teachers do not design the tasks for vocabulary practice. Teachers can create tasks to practice the vocabulary that students have learned in order to improve the vocabulary recurrence rate. The tasks, such as labelling with pictures, can have a time limit. What’s more, before the task begins, teacher should explain the rules of task clearly and demonstrate in front of class.
  Secondly, some teachers lack awareness of explaining the rules of pronunciation. If students can follow teacher correctly, teacher cannot explain the pronunciation rules. If not, explain them. Teacher should go around the class in order to check whether students pronounce rightly.
  Finally, teacher’s ability to cope with emergency situations is weak. Because teachers are not in an era with their students, they cannot have a common topic with their students. Teachers can imagine what problems will appear in the classroom, give the corresponding solutions, and design related activities.
  Vocabulary teaching in junior high school is the key and difficult point in English teaching. How to carry out vocabulary teaching in a scientific and effective way is a key research topic for teachers.
摘要:长期以来,作文教学成为小学语文教学的重点和难点,在特殊教育学校同样不例外。听障学生由于生理上的疾病,使他们对外界事物的感知从某种意义上,受到了很大阻碍与限制。为了让听障学生战胜自身生理原因和解决心理厌倦写作的问题,教师应在教学过程中培养学生的写作兴趣,让学生回归到现实生活中,观察生活、模仿生活、体验生活,把所见所想的用真情实感自然流露。  关键词:积极学 主动学 喜欢学 三个指导  听障学生
在我们学习书法的过程中,临摹字帖是绕不过去的过程,是学习书法的必由之路。字帖是我们学习书法的楷模范本,选择好字帖是一个重要的环节,现在你走进书店或图书馆,跃入你眼帘的字帖铺天盖地,眼花缭乱,如何选择呢?那一本是我们需要的呢?就这个问题谈一谈吧。  一、要了解懂得字帖背后或者说与之相关的知识  字帖包含墨迹本、拓(tà)本两大类。请注意我们日常在书店所购买的书法字帖类书籍,大多是经过现代照相科技翻拍
一、传统教学模式和MOOC模式  (一)传统教学模式  赫尔巴特的教育思想在西方教育史上被称为传统教育。他将心理学运用于研究教育、教学问题,主张教师要按照学生的心理活动规律安排教学。他认为教学过程中,学生是以一种被动的姿态接受教师由外部提供的知识信息,从而形成他的心理。此后,赫尔巴特提出了传递——接受型的教学模式。十九世纪末二十世纪初赫尔巴特的教学思想盛行欧美并传入中国。  传统教学模式影响深远。
古典诗词是中国文化宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠,它的光芒穿越千年的时空,在物欲横流的世界里,越发显得耀眼。一首诗词就是一片阳光,一首诗词就是一个春天,一首诗词就是一场甘霖,一首诗词就是一颗美的种子,一首诗词就能让我们感受到许多种美好而高尚的情感。  但是,近几年,为了应付各种考试,诗词教育往往偏重于理性。实际上,诗词的教学过程应当是传授知识与情感交流的结合,以诗化人,以诗育情,即用诗词教育来架设学生与老师
一、前言  国家教育部等七部门在《特殊教育提升计划(2014-2016年)》中提出开展“送教上门”后,我们特殊教育学校积极做出回应。对不能入校学习的重度残疾儿童少年实行送教上门服务,并纳入学籍管理。送教上门是保证残疾儿童少年平等受教育权利的重大举措。对于维护教育公平与社会公正,推动我国特殊教育事业的发展产生深远的影响。我们广西河池市宜州区特殊教育学校响应国家的号召,对宜州区目前由于各种原因无法到学
在小学阶段,小学生作文是进行语文学习和语言表达能力形成的一个重要环节,作文教学既是小学语文教学的重要内容,也是学生的基本素质之一, 对于学生自我表达能力和身心发展有着重要的推动作用。集中地体现了语文教学的终极目标。作文教学,是语文教学的一大难题;上作文课时,许多老师都倍感苦恼。因为现在不少学生害怕写作文,提起写作文,一些小学生往往唉声叹气,视作文为畏途,不会写,不爱写,就像是“老鼠见了猫”;还有不
从事班主任工作二十多年,我深深地体会到,教育是爱的事业。教师的爱就像阳光雨露一样滋润着学生的心灵。教师要公平地去爱班上的每一个孩子,给他们同等的爱,使每个孩子在教师爱的滋润下都能够茁壮成长,绽放出属于自己的芬芳和美丽。对此我一直深信不疑,也是这样去做的。可是当一个叫刘静的孩子出现在我面前的时候,我爱的天平却“失衡”了。  送走了六年级毕业班,我接受了新一年级的班主任工作。开学第一堂课,我让孩子们进
摘要:自信心是正确评价并充分相信自己的能力,高质量完成任务,实现所追求目标的一种情感体验。自信心既是个性的重要组成部分,也是一个人走向成功的必要途径。自信心的培育是一个长期的过程,应从人生的认知阶段着手对孩子进行有目的的培养。幼儿时期是人生第一认知阶段,也是一个人意识萌芽的初期。因此,教育者应从幼儿心理特征入手,认真观察幼儿性格发展趋向,循循善诱的培育其自信心和自尊心。  关键词:幼儿 自信心 培
一、引言  小学语文课程标准提出:语文课程应注重引导学生多读,积累,注重语言文字使用的实践,理解语言应用的文化内涵和规律。在阅读教材的基础上,向更加广泛的课外阅读进行拓展。如今,深受小学生们欢迎的“群文阅读”模式已在各地推出,它有利于学生在有限的时间内增加阅读量,提升阅读速度,还能丰富学生的阅读形式,提升阅读能力。但实际操作中,“群文阅读”的开展仍存在一些困难。下面笔者将以部编版三年级语文教材为媒