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  Christine and Shannon, our two young travellers, had finished up their work at the inn near Henley-on-Thames2. They were catching a ride with one of the young men who had lived in the same house in which the two girls had shared a rented room. They were travelling by car from England all the way out to Edinburgh3, Scotland, in two days. It was a free road trip and sightseeing tour; something our girls would NEVER say no to…
  The first stop after Henley-on-Thames was the Silverstone Circuit4. The first World Championship Grand Prix was held at Silverstone in 1950.5 It still hosts a Grand Prix Formula 1 race each year. Today, though, nothing was happening at Silverstone, but Shannon and I vowed to each other that we would watch a Grand Prix together that year. Rather an ambitious goal, especially as we had little idea where or when the races were held each year!
  Then it was through Leicester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Darlington, Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Berwick-upon-Tweed.6 Actually we travelled through many other towns and cities on this rather long way to Scotland, but don’t you just love the sound of those names?Ian, our driver, stopped at Durham so that we could see the Durham Cathedral7. The Cathedral is recognised as one of the great buildings of Europe. It, along with Durham Castle, is a World Heritage Site. They stand grandly on a rocky outcrop, with the medieval city of Durham below and a river sweeping round.8 What a sight!
  The site has been a Christian holy place since around AD 635, and parts of the Cathedral are well over 1,000 years old. Like many other great churches, the cathedral was built on at different times through history, and this is reflected in the many styles and features of the church and its many inner rooms and chapels9. This Cathedral is primarily in Norman style, which means that it was most influenced by the Normans who invaded and ruled over England from 1066.
  Without the other two young men who they had shared the house with around, Ian was very sweet. We overnighted10 at a B
“2006年5月26日凌晨,双方在香港达成了最终的协议。”说到这里,参与了谈判全程的郭凡生脸上一副“轻松搞定”的表情    “马云的话鬼才相信”,慧聪国际CEO郭凡生对《中国新时代》记者说,他甚至不无挑衅地表示,慧聪国际与环球资源的结盟——两家公司共约1.5亿美元的营业额才是“国内B2B市场的第一”。  2006年5月31日下午,当郭凡生与环球资源董事长兼行政总裁韩礼士并肩出现在北京嘉里中心饭店的
1 Most people who bother with the matter at all would admit that the English language is in a bad way, but it is generally assumed that we cannot by conscious action do anything about it. Our civiliza
摘 要:精读课的教与学是英语学习中的重要一环,如何通过精读课提高阅读水平对于英语学习者来说至关重要。本文首先结合笔者自己的教学实践和对精读课的认识来解释如何分析精读课文,即通过对语言现象的分析来理解课文的思想内容和作者的态度、意图和情感;其次通过具体事例论述了阅读在英语学习中的重要性;最后提出精读课所教和学的文章应该来自文学经典作品,阐述了理由的同时也提供了方法。  关键词:精读课教学;阅读水平;
“Art thou a man entitled to desire a child?”1 Nietzsche asks in his childlessness in Thus Spoke Zarathustra.2 “Art thou the victorious one, the self-conqueror, the ruler of thy passions, the master of
射击靶的靶心,是射击运动员定位的焦点,因为那才是最终制胜的关键      自1899年创建以来,坚持以“追求极至,永不妥协”为座右铭的美诺就一直定位于顶级家电产品制造商。为保持这一定位,美诺苛求产品的各个细节、品质,甚至不惜提高成本。经过109年的坚持,这一德国百年企业已经成为顶级家电的代名词。  精准定位也为企业带来了可观的回报。2007财年,美诺的销售收入明显增长,在此期间,美诺集团从上一报告
经历过“寒冬”的多普达,已经在智能手机领域立足。而在未来的3G时代,这位定位独特的后来者将如何找到自身的利润点?      提到多普达手机,多数消费者的第一印象就是智能商务型电话,这也显示了多普达在手机领域的独特定位。  某知名财经机构对3000名商务人士进行一项数据调查。调查结果显示,在客户最想要拥有的手机品牌中,多普达名列第二位,仅次于诺基亚。  2008年6月16日,多普达在北京举办了“年度
摘 要:教材是落实课程理念、体现课程性质和反映课程内容的载体,是教学最主要的资源。教材中说的活动贯穿学习的始终,准确理解说的活动的设计意图和目标指向,有利于教师合理设计教学活动,确保教学目标的有效达成,提高教材的使用效果,促进学生学科核心素养的发展。本文以不同版本高中英语新修订教材中说的活动为例,分析说的活动的设计意图和目标指向,并提出用好教材中说的活动的策略,以期对课堂教学实践有所启发和帮助。 
摘 要:《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》提倡发挥学生主体作用,调动学生学习的积极性,倡导教师为学生营造或提供有助于学习的环境和条件。读后续写教学重在培养学生阅读理解能力和写作表达能力,通过读后续写培养学生的自主学习意识和能力能激发其对阅读的兴趣,增强其语言欣赏意识,并能把阅读和欣赏有效地内化为迁移创作。  关键词:自主学习;读后续写;激发;梳理;模仿创作  《普通高中英语课程标准(2017
在飞越车队成员杨帆的口中,哈巴雪山是一条适合于飞越车队骑行风格的大山enduro路线。从他2012年攀登时拍的照片和路线情况来看,真是一条堪比四姑娘山大峰的路线。作为骑行历史悠久所以导致“大龄”的车队成员,我们对这样的路线尤其渴望。2014年,飞越车队的成员易斌、袁晓锦、冯伟、杨帆确定执行这项宏伟计划,车队里的佘舟治、廖亚作为后勤帮助,以及摄制组的明明和阿苏。一切就绪,只等国庆前夕出发。  从哈巴
小熊老师走了。按理说,这年头88岁还不该算高龄,熊老师走,让我们悲痛之余更有许多话要说。  熊老师回国来外院任教,适逢我们这批参干同学来外校,都在20世纪50年代初。我们大部分不过十七八岁,我自己才刚过十六。熊老师比我们大不了几岁。加上他个头不高,大家没大没小,戏称他Small Teacher,他也受之无愧,坦然接受。上课时用英语造句,年龄小的给大一点的开玩笑,问他朋友谈得怎么样啦,也问Small