为使“创五好,建三村”工作落实到位,国营梨树农场张家街分场党委按照“实际、实效、适用”的原则,在各支部之间开展了“比五好,看成效;建三村,要成果”竞赛,使广大党员真正发挥了作用,增强了基层组织的活力。 整顿班子促提高 党委从“创建”活动开始后,针对当前农村
In order to make the work of “building a good five, building three villages” put into place, the party committee of the Zhangjiajie branch of the State-owned Lihshang Farm carried out the work of “striving to be better than the fifth to see results in accordance with the principle of” actuality, effectiveness and application “ Build three villages, to achieve results ”competition, so that the majority of party members have really played a role in enhancing the vitality of grassroots organizations. To rectify groups and promote higher party committees from the “create” activity started, for the current rural areas