Homework Design

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  本文作者以克拉申语言习得理论:“学习者学习语言可以通过两种方式——语言习得与语言学得,前者在语言学习中尤为重要”为依据,认为孩子学前在家的那段时间是最好的语言习得阶段。针对这一阶段,作者提出了设计学习者家庭作业的几点建议,以使学习者语言习得的效果更佳。又/Wendy Arnold
  How learners learn their first
  What is homework?language?
  Children between the ages of birth andsix years old when they first start schoolhave had a total of 52,560 hours oflife.
  365 days in a year * 6 years = 2,190days
  2,190 days in 6 years * 24 hours a day= 52,560 hours
  Assuming they have slept some ofthat time, let's say they have been awake 14 hours a day of those six years, then theyhave been conscious for 30,240 hours!
  In those 30,240 hours they have learnttheir mother tongue. No one has explicitlytaught them. They have “acquired” thelanguage in the Krashen (2006) sense, thatis to say they have taken in their languagesub-consciously by using it. And they haveused it because everyone around them hasmade it "comprehensible" (Krashen, 2006).
  The ability to produce language is theresult of language acquisition, the resultof obtaining comprehensible input, notthe cause ……talking is not practicing andwriting is not practicing: we do not learn tospeak by speaking, and we do not learn towrite by writing. (Krashen, 2006)
  Why give homework for languagelearning?
  Language learning, however, is aconscious process (Krashen, 2006)! In thebest examples the learners know what theyare learning and that they are attemptingto learn. It is when rules of language andgrammar are talked about.
  Language learning happens in school,in small units of time, some effort is madeto make it comprehensible but NOTHINGwill match the 30,000+ hours it has taken to“acquire”the first language!
  In order to TRY to add more time tothe learning process homework is given.One cannot compare 30,000 hours to thepossible 40 minutes/lesson * 5 lessons/week* 26 weeks/year of school = 5,200 minutesor 87 hours/year!
  We cannot compare the l:1 ratiobetween mother/father/brother/sister orgrandparents that a small baby/child has“acquiring” their first language, to the l:35+in a classroom with one teacher.
  So let's be realistic about our expectations!Homework design
  The classroom is used by the teacherto INPUT content. If it is done well thelearner ENJOYS the process because it hasa context (a setting, e.g. family) and theylearn words, e.g. mother, father, baby andstructure, e.g. This is my mother.
  We won't touch on the WASTE OFTIME if it is done badly but it will includewords like GRAMMAR, verbs, adjectivesbeing used to explain how the languagegoes together like a mathematical formula.Imagine if you tried to learn your firstlanguage like this:   And this is a noun and when you wantsomething you use the grammar structure, Iwant + noun !
  Everyone in the world would be dumb!
  So what starts in the classroom andbecause there is only enough time duringthe school cumculum to give a lesson/day,the rest needs to be carried on at home. Butit's the QUALITY and the QUANTITY ofwhat the homework contains that makes thedifference between a WASTE OF TIME andsome REAL "acquisition".
  Let's go back quickly to what makeseffective language "acquisition" compre-hensible input. Language "learning" foryoung children is generally incompre-hensible input because their brains areusually not developed enough to understandthe concepts of grammar.
  So CLEVER homework needs to besomething which is:- NOT stressful, if it is NOT enjoyable = WASTE OF TIME- Highly motivating = the leamers WANT to do it = GOOD USE OF TIME
  Language "acquisition" is a build ofskills. And it's worth remembering thiswhen designing homework. The figureabove shows this process.
  How assuming that the teacher hasmade GOOD USE of the classroom time,the learners will have had LOTS OFlistening and speaking practice. This isvery, very, very, very, very IMPORTANTbecause:
  You need to HEAR a word before youcan say it. WHY? Because how can youknow how it sounds?
  You need to SAY a word before youcan read it? WHY? Because how will yourecognize it when you see it?
  You need to READ a word before youcan write it? WHY? Because what's thepoint of writing something that you don'trecognize?
  Now setting listening and speakinghomework is very TRICKY, unless thelanguage programme comes with CD's or is linked to a computer or Internet programme.But the following is HIGHLY recommendedfor homework:
  Ages 6 to lO years old
  practice songs = great way to learn language as you learn it in "chunks" or "strings" ofwords and research has shown
  that the music/tune helps you to remember
  practice rhymes, chants, poems = same reason as above.
  draw pictures about the song, thyme, chant, poem = VISUAL LITERACY = making the words "comprehensible" toothers.
  drawing maps to help learners describe to others what they have been "learning" in class.
  learning how to draw "mind maps" = these are supposed reflect how your brain collects ideas together. It is a well researched method for study skills of allages.
  collect together items from home to share in the classroom, e.g. family photos.   favourite story, special gift, favourite toy, leaves/flowers, items with a particularcolour.
  drawing a story to share in the classroom= using the words the teacher has taught in a topic.
  Ages 11 -12 years old
  ONLY if the learners has had atLEAST four years of English, or put itanother way 348 hours, should you go to thenext stage.
  Assuming the learners are now moreconfident about listening and understanding,speaking and understanding then this is thetime to develop READING. Pushing readingwhen the learners have little listening/speaking skills = WASTE OF TIME.
  reading short stories with LOTS OF
  pictures to help make meaning.
  REMEMBER: if the homework between 6 - 10 years has included LOTS OF VISUAL LITERACY then they are ready to be making the link between words andpictures.
  Labeling pictures and these can now be quite sophisticated and linked to other subjects in the curriculum, e.g. science = plant cycle, butterfly cycle.
  When you are sure that they arerecognizing LOTS OF words they under-stand when they hear and can use speakingTHEN and ONLY THEN introduceWRITING.
  As the writing system and learning tobe literate in Chinese and English is verydifferent, e.g.
  directionality (English = left to right; Chinese = right to left).
  symbols (English = letters and sounds; Chinese = pictographs and meaning).
  learning (English = need to listen/speak before read/write; Chinese = learn to write before read).
  Then it stands to reason that the wayEnglish is taught in a Chinese classroomneeds a fundamental re-thinking.
  The purpose of writing is about convey-ing a message to the reader. It is not copying,that is calligraphy! DON'T use homeworkto WASTE THE LEARNERS' TIME unlessthe purpose is penmanship, but tell themthat is the reason.
  So who will start to change the typeof homework they give their learners ofEnglish? Who is willing to invest the timein listening/speaking and visual literacyBEFORE attempting to push writing first(usually with absolutely no understandingbecause that's the way Chinese is learnt).
日期:2013年12月9日  时间:20:45(北京时间)  07:45(美国东部时间)  地点:中国杭州外国语学校6418教室  美国北卡数理高中中文教室  话题:School Life  硬件:电脑、摄像头、麦克风  软件:M100, Skype  镜头一  谢老师20:30打开了电脑,测试了基本的硬件设备,又打开了M100的软件。远在美国北卡的李老师这时候也上线了。  “你看得见我吗?”“你
《英语学习》作为我国第一本英语学习杂志,自1958年创办以来,一直为亿万广大英语学习爱好者提供着高品质的英语阅读食粮,在帮助英语学习者实现梦想的同时,也见证着中国英语教育的发展历程。  如今,中国的英语教育,尤其是基础英语教育已经发展到了一个新的阶段。刚刚过去的2013年里,一系列教育改革措施相继出台:从减负到中高考改革,从缓解择校难到诊断小升初……而《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》
教学设计点评  本课基于课标、教材、学情等所做的教学设计充实饱满,且富有整体感。  1. 以话题为中心,以功能为主线,教学设计富有整体感。  本课以国家为话题中心,围绕Why do you like...?/Because...这一语言功能,以课文对话为基本语境,教给学生喜欢一个事物有各种各样的原因,并在实际生活中运用这个道理。教学设计过程以“真实运用任务教学模式”为教学框架安排教学活动,在教学思
我在中学教书已经三四十年了,上过的课教过的学生太多太多了。但我很明白教学时间长并不等于教学水平高。我的特点主要是对教学有浓厚兴趣,喜欢钻研这方面的问题,而且多年来始终如一。在中学教书其实是很辛苦的,但是如果你喜欢孩子,喜欢和他们打交道,喜欢演讲,你就会乐此不疲。  说到我的成长之路,必须要承认环境的作用。我近二十几年所工作的地方——北京四中,是一所百年名校,它有着深厚的文化积淀。在这里,没水平的人
Thousands of years ago, Roman soldiers played hopscotch to test their strength and speed, sometimes hopping over 100 feet carrying heavy weights! Hopscotch was used for military2 training exercises. R
剧集一开始Max就把自己亲手做的纸杯蛋糕带给关系要好的餐厅收银员Earl,“Earl! I made your favorite, red velvet.”(Earl!我做了你最喜欢的红丝绒蛋糕。)Earl欣喜地说:“My little cupcake brought me a cupcake. Let me pay you for that.”(我的小甜心给我带蛋糕来了,我给你钱。) Max说:
2013年3月,教育部“一号文件”首次提及高考英语“一年多考”,各地教学改革方案也纷纷出台:北京市降低了英语高考的分数,江苏省准备让英语“滚出高考”,山东省则取消英语高考的听力部分……大刀向英语教育砍去。  这一切引发种种争论:英语实行“一年多考”是为学生减负还是增负?面对考试的变化,一线英语教师该如何应对?英语教师是否会被分流?英语教学之路走向何方?  带着这样的疑问,《英语学习》(教师版)问计
我是1996年考入浙江大学外语系英语专业的。那年开始并轨招生了,大学生除了师范专业的上学要交学费了,大学生毕业后也要自谋出路了。2000年我大学毕业加入教师这个行业的时候,被很多前辈老师问过,你一个211大学的非师范专业毕业生,为什么跳进这个“披星戴月、呕心沥血”的行业。我的回答通常是一个故事:  从前有这样一个不安分的孩子,上大学的时候除了上学就是打工。在四年的时光里,她从事过不下10份工作,例