3·15的话题,总是那么牵动着广大消费者的心;服务,总是牵动着我们电脑消费者的每一根神经。本刊“直击服务 感触服务——讲述电脑服务的真实故事”有奖征文活动开展以后,我们收到了许多热心读者的来信。和我们预料的差不多,绝大多数来信都是在讲述自己如何与JS“搏斗”的经历。或胜利、或失败、总之他们都尝尽了“享受”服务的酸甜苦辣。当然,也有不少来信反映他们享受到了真正良好的服务。下面,就让我们一起来看看他们的经历,以及他们对服务的思考……
3.15 topic, always affects the hearts of consumers; service, always affects every nerve of our computer consumers. The magazine “direct service service touch - tell the real story of computer services,” the prize essay launches, we have received many enthusiastic readers of the letter. Much as we expected, most letters are about how we fought JS. Or victorious, or failed, in short, they have tasted the “enjoyment” of the ups and downs of service. Of course, quite a few letters reflect that they have enjoyed genuinely good service. Let’s take a look at their experiences together with their thinking about service ...