自1961~1963年在沙眼病人施行了20例角膜移植手术,共中13例为穿通性,多数为角膜混浊和角膜葡萄肿;5例用板层角膜移植术治疗翼状胬肉;2例中央部板层角膜移植治疗原因不详的角膜上皮变性。病人年龄介于21~65岁,全是非进行性的陈旧沙眼病人,多数角膜在移植时有显著的血管翳。穿通性角膜移植片在手术前2小时取自尸体,板层角膜移植片系按 Payrau 氏方法采用干冻的牛角膜。角膜移植片或用比线,肠线分点直接缝合,或作十字形缝合,或用接触玻片固定在角膜缘盖着移植片。穿通性角膜移植片采用6~7毫米直径。治疗翼状胬肉施行板层角膜移植术时,先用划痕器将胬肉头部划界达角膜的厚度。结膜部的胬肉在切除后用附近的健康结膜搏向补上,在复发性者也用唇粘膜移枢。术后2~3天第1次换药,滴散瞳剂。有1例穿通性移植片发生坏死和前房积脓。立即再施行角膜移植术,效
From 1961 to 1963 in 20 cases of trachoma patients underwent corneal transplants, a total of 13 cases of penetrating sex, the majority of corneal opacity and corneal staphyloma; 5 cases of lamellar keratoplasty for the treatment of pterygium; 2 cases of central Lamellar keratoplasty for unexplained corneal epithelial degeneration. Patients aged 21 to 65 years old, all non-progressive obsolete trachoma patients, the majority of corneal transplantation in significant villus. Penetrating keratoplasty was taken 2 hours prior to surgery from the corpse, and the lamellar keratoplasty was processed by Payrau’s method using a dry-frozen cornea. Corneal graft or with the line, gut points directly suture, or cross-shaped suture, or fixed with contact lenses in the corneal limbs covered with graft. Penetrating keratoplasty using 6 to 7 mm in diameter. Treatment of pterygium Lamellar keratoplasty, the first scratch with the pterygium head demarcation of the thickness of the cornea. Conjunctival pterygium after excision with the nearby healthy conjunctival stroke to make up in the recurrent also use lip mucosal migration. 2 to 3 days after the first dressing change, drip dizziness agent. One case of penetrating transplants necrosis and hypopyon. Immediately followed by corneal transplantation, effective