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  Tiffany was the natural choice to complement the elegant beauty of the legendary Audrey Hepburn in one of Hollywood’s most enduring classic movies, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. The name perfectly reflected the star’s timeless 1)chique.
  Now, as then, Tiffany has a special place in people’s hearts. For more than 170 years, Tiffany has helped its clients celebrate life’s most special moments. And nothing symbolizes their hopes and dreams more than the world-famous blue box, the promise of a piece of timeless, elegant beauty.
  John Loring (Tiffany’s Design Director): Charles Lewis Tiffany came from an old Connecticut family that was really involved in retailing.
  Tiffany began his business career in 1837 with a 2)stationery and fancy goods store on lower Broadway, but soon developed new retailing ideas. Tiffany expanded his range of customers with the creation of the first-ever retail catalogue.
  Melvyn Kirtley (President, Tiffany, UK): Charles Lewis Tiffany came over to France and actually bought the French crown jewels. At that point society in New York particularly, no one was wearing diamonds. He brought the jewelry back, he broke it up, made it into more wearable pieces, and primarily sold it to New York society. So it really launched diamonds into the United States, and he was then named the “King of Diamonds.”
  John: By the time of the Paris International Exposition of 1878, Mr. Tiffany had built his company to be the greatest jewelry company in the world.
  It wasn’t just in jewelry that Tiffany was establishing itself. The company made many of the swords and surgical instruments used in the American Civil War. In 1885, Tiffany redesigned the American Seal, seen today on buildings throughout the USA and, most famously, on the US dollar bill. Tiffany had become an American 3)institution.
  Tiffany was creating a whole range of national icons including military medals and American sporting trophies. Their exciting designs complemented the athletes’ skill and dedication with that of their own craftsmanship. In 1967 they designed the first Super Bowl trophy, the most 4)coveted award in American football. And their tableware and silverware remains the first choice for the White House, and, through the Tiffany bridal registry, a firm favourite for wedding lists.
  But what about that famous blue box?
  John: The blue box is the most 5)iconic packaging of the United States, yet it’s been with us since 1853.
  This particular blue was the favourite colour of the young and fashionable French Empress, Eugénie, and was adopted by Tiffany as its signature.
  Whether it’s their glamorous and exciting events, their flawless diamonds, their spectacular designs or the calm elegance of their international show rooms, Tiffany is an institution, a timeless symbol of beauty.
  In the words of Audrey Hepburn, who so perfectly symbolized Tiffany’s enduring appeal, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” That is why the 6)luster of the art of Tiffany’s remains undimmed.
这是一首非常有趣,但又不太好懂的rap,它极尽嘲讽之能事,把小布什任内的缺点一一数落。但由于涉及的社会文化背景较多,建议大家在听/读时,注意仔细阅读背景小知识、注释和文化交流站,以助理解。  口语省略:wassup = what’s up;an’ = and;sorta = sort of;kinda = kind of;diff’rent = different;ya = you;   yer
Host: Now Victoria’s banned students in government schools from using YouTube after it showed a video of a sickening assault on a 17-year-old girl. This decision is part of an ongoing battle against c
不娶年轻女子。  不与年轻人作伴,除非他们实在渴望如此。  不暴躁、忧郁,或多疑。  不嘲笑当今的风气、俏皮话、时装、人物、战争等等。  不疼爱小孩,或不让他们随便接近。  不对同样的人反复说同样的故事。  不贪婪。  不忽略体面,或者整洁,怕是会脏得不堪。  不对年轻人过分严厉,而要谅解他们年轻的荒唐和软弱。  不听不老实、搬弄是非的仆人之流的话,更不受他们的影响。  不轻易替人出主意,也不麻烦
提到斯嘉丽·约翰逊,也许大家很难不联想到一个词——性感。2009年,英国著名杂志《Glamour》评选出全球10大性感女星,斯嘉丽当之不愧荣登冠军宝座。然而这位好莱坞第一性感女星可不仅仅是个有着好身材的“花瓶”。  斯嘉丽·约翰逊1984年出生于纽约市,8岁开始就从事专业表演。随后更主演多部影片,其中于2002年主演的两部电影《迷失东京》、《戴珍珠耳环的女孩》都广受好评,令人印象深刻。这两部影片也
人是很奇怪的动物,当你听到别人说“我很快乐”,你的脑袋中也许会闪出上百个带怀疑的问题,“你有没有想过就业压力?”,“你有没有试过做好一切出门的准备却被告知约会取消?”……当你为这个社会的诸多问题而烦闷,为他人或自己的愚笨而气恼时,停一停,给自己一个喘息的空间,承认你我和这世界的不完美,并学着融入这种不完美的生活中,创造奇迹。    文化交流站  Star Over Broadway百老汇之星   
大概十年前,我找了一份工作,在一家电话销售公司当培训师。在其中一堂培训课上,培训主管讲了一个非常有启发性的故事。  他先是画了一幅图,画的是一个火柴人站在一个圆圈中间。为了增加趣味性,他在圆圈里画上了诸如一所房子;一辆小汽车和一些朋友的东西。  他提出一个问题:“有人能告诉我这是什么吗?”经过一阵长久的沉默,有人抛出一句:“世界?”培训主管说:“很接近,这是你们的‘安乐窝’。在你们圈子里的全是对你
去年十月,迈入百年历史的美国国际商用机器公司(IBM)作出惊人之举,宣布销售营销主管、副总裁罗睿兰将于2012年1月1日起接替彭明盛出任该公司首席执行官(CEO)。这就意味着现年54岁的罗睿兰将成为IBM百年历史上第九位首席执行官和第一位女性首席执行官。  此消息一出,罗睿兰这位在IBM服务超过30年,头脑冷静、性格热情的女子一下子成为媒体的焦点。IBM一向以拘谨、沉闷和男性主导的企业文化间名于业
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语音:美式发音 适合泛听  语速:175词/分钟  关键词:educators, why, reason    We’ve talked a lot about how the 1)recession has impacted your education. Teachers are affected, too. We’ve seen 2)layoffs; we’ve seen budget cu
说起来,大家可能还不相信,有一场革命已经席卷全球,对我们习以为常的大街小铺发起冲击,也对我们的传统购物观念发起了挑战。那就是——网上购物。如果你们自诩懂得与时并进,你一定不会感到陌生。因为这种购物方式,与其说只是21世纪的营销方式,倒不如说是21世纪的生活方式。  传统零售商正面临自大萧条时期以来最大的危机。  那么为何越来越多的人选择网上购物呢?嗯,有几个不可抗拒的理由。  网络空间之内商品种类