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  Star Over Broadway百老汇之星
  奥斯卡·汉默斯坦二世 (Oscar Hammerstein II, 1895–1960),著名的音乐剧剧作家、歌词作家。在他那首扬名世界的作品《老人河》(Ol’ Man River)中,汉默斯坦把密西西比河比作一个老人,世间的不平与不幸,仿佛都已与他无关,他只顾缓缓地、头也不回地向着大海流去。被誉为音乐剧里程碑的《俄克拉荷马!》(Oklahoma!, 1943)和他之前的另一代表作《演出船》(Show Boat, 1927),同样充分反映了美国本土生活和文化,对美国戏剧产生了不可估量的影响。汉默斯坦打破了传统音乐剧以喜剧或“美腿”开场的僵硬模式,主张不要受任何模式的限制去探讨最直接的,也是最佳的讲述戏剧故事的方式,是一位承前启后的音乐人。其后的《南太平洋》(South Pacific, 1949),《国王与我》(The King and I, 1951)和《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music, 1959),让汉默斯坦和他的最佳搭档作曲家理查德·罗杰斯(Richard Rodgers)享誉全球。
  I have an unusual 1)statement to make. I am a man who believes he is happy. What makes it unusual is that a man who is happy seldom tells anyone. The unhappy man is more communicative. He is eager to recite what is wrong with the world and he seems to have a talent for gathering a large audience. It is a modern tragedy that despair has so many spokesmen, and hope so few. I believe, therefore, that it is important for a man to announce that he is happy, even though such an announcement is less dramatic and less entertaining than the cries of his 2)pessimistic opposite.
  Why do I believe I am happy? Death has deprived me of many whom I loved, 3)dismal failure has followed many of my most earnest efforts, people have disappointed me, I’ve disappointed them, I’ve disappointed myself.
  From all this evidence, could I not build up a strong case to prove why I am not happy at all? I could, but it would be a false picture; as false as if I were to describe a tree only as it looks in winter. I would be leaving out a list of people I love who have not died. I would be leaving out an acknowledgement of the many successes that have 4)sprouted among my many failures. I would be leaving out the blessing of good health, the joy of walking in the sunshine. ①All these things are as much a part of my world as the darker worries that shade them.
  The conflict of good and bad merges in thick 5)entanglement. You cannot isolate virtue and beauty and success and laughter and keep them all from contact with wickedness and ugliness and failure and weeping. The man who strives for such isolated joy is riding for a fall; he will wind up in isolated 6)gloom. ②I don’t believe anyone can enjoy living in this world unless he can accept its imperfection. He must know and admit that he is imperfect, that all other 7)mortals are imperfect, that ③it is childish to allow these imperfections to destroy all his hope and all his desire to live.
  Nature is older than man and she is still far from perfect. Her summers do not always start promptly on June 21st, her 8)bugs and beetles and other insects often go beyond her obvious intentions, devouring the leaves and buds with which she has 9)adorned her countryside. After the land has remained too dry for too long, she sends relieving rains, but frequently they come in torrents so violent that they do more harm than good.
  ④Over the years, however, nature keeps going on in her imperfect way and the result, in spite of her many mistakes, is a continuing miracle. It will be 10)folly for an individual to seek to do better; to do better than go on in his own imperfect way, making his mistakes, 11)riding out the rough and 12)bewildering,exciting and beautiful storm of life until the day he dies.
  事实在眼前,难道我不能举例力证自己毫不快乐吗?我可以的,但那将会是一种错误的景象;就像我仅仅描述一棵树在冬天的样子。我将会忽略一批我关爱的生者。我将会忽略在我的诸多失败中诞生的诸多成功。我将会忽略拥有健康体魄的快乐和在阳光下漫步的喜悦。 ①所有这些都是我的世界的一部分,就像那些笼罩在其他人头上的阴霾与忧虑一样。


提起小学生,你可能会想到“天真烂漫”、“少不更事”这类词,说到他们做的“坏事”,你可能想到揪一下女同学的辫子,给同学起外号,或者打打架这些事情。可是在网络时代,一切都变得不可思议。    Host: The world of cyber-bullying has been put in the spotlight by a video made by five elementary student
2006年10月,14岁的中学生Megan Meier遭遇网络暴力,因不堪忍受网友的恶毒辱骂在家里自杀身亡。而事后,人们发现,此事的“主谋”竟然是受害者之前的朋友兼邻居及其母亲Lori Drew,还有年轻的Ashley Grills。    We turn to that MySpace suicide story that made headlines all across the world.
伦敦  本站我们到达英国,让我们—起来认识一下英国的首都(capital)伦敦(London)吧!  大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,简称联合王国(英文:the United Kingdom)或不列颠(英文:Britain),通称英国,是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰(England)、苏格兰(Scotland)、威尔士(Wales)、爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰(NorthernIreland)以及一系列附属岛
“ON SALE”, “BUY ONE GET ONE FREE”, “70% OFF”…  且不说现在正值岁末消费狂潮,现今消费社会,日益高涨的软广告“对自己好一点”、“你值得拥有”等,不时以最温柔而致命的呼唤煽动着你的购买欲望。如果你总是觉得手上的钱不够用,便是时候想想换一种更具弹性的生活方式了……   “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s
Say you’re sorry   That face of an angel   Comes out just when you need it to   As I paced 1)back and forth all this time   ’Cause I honestly believed in you   Holding on   The days 2)drag on   Stupid
伴着轻快的音乐,头顶玫瑰花雨,喧闹的宾客欢声笑语,而披红戴金的新娘却只能一脸严肃,穿戴整齐的新郎也是面无表情,几乎让人怀疑他们是否在庆祝人生最高兴的时刻,但这就是巴基斯坦的传统。    There was a wedding this week in the family—the 1)NPR family. Sajid Mahmood, who manages our bureau in Isla
这是一首非常有趣,但又不太好懂的rap,它极尽嘲讽之能事,把小布什任内的缺点一一数落。但由于涉及的社会文化背景较多,建议大家在听/读时,注意仔细阅读背景小知识、注释和文化交流站,以助理解。  口语省略:wassup = what’s up;an’ = and;sorta = sort of;kinda = kind of;diff’rent = different;ya = you;   yer
Host: Now Victoria’s banned students in government schools from using YouTube after it showed a video of a sickening assault on a 17-year-old girl. This decision is part of an ongoing battle against c
不娶年轻女子。  不与年轻人作伴,除非他们实在渴望如此。  不暴躁、忧郁,或多疑。  不嘲笑当今的风气、俏皮话、时装、人物、战争等等。  不疼爱小孩,或不让他们随便接近。  不对同样的人反复说同样的故事。  不贪婪。  不忽略体面,或者整洁,怕是会脏得不堪。  不对年轻人过分严厉,而要谅解他们年轻的荒唐和软弱。  不听不老实、搬弄是非的仆人之流的话,更不受他们的影响。  不轻易替人出主意,也不麻烦
提到斯嘉丽·约翰逊,也许大家很难不联想到一个词——性感。2009年,英国著名杂志《Glamour》评选出全球10大性感女星,斯嘉丽当之不愧荣登冠军宝座。然而这位好莱坞第一性感女星可不仅仅是个有着好身材的“花瓶”。  斯嘉丽·约翰逊1984年出生于纽约市,8岁开始就从事专业表演。随后更主演多部影片,其中于2002年主演的两部电影《迷失东京》、《戴珍珠耳环的女孩》都广受好评,令人印象深刻。这两部影片也