Primary study on holdup measurement of ~(235)U in pipe using γ-ray spectrometry and Monte Carlo simu

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dancingkingb
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The pipe holdup measurement is very important for decommissioning nuclear facilities and nu- clear-material control and accounting. The absolute detection efficiencies (εsp) of full-energy γ rays peak under dif- ferent source density distribution function have been simulated using the Monte Carlo (MC) software, and the counting rates (n0) of the characteristic γ rays have been measured using the γ spectrometer followed by the calculation of the holdup. The holdup is affected by the energy of γ rays, distance at which they are detected, pipe material, thickness, and source distribution of pipe, especially source distribution at a short distance. The comparative test of 235U refer- ence materials on the inner wall of Fe and Al pipes (the total mass of 235U is 44.6 mg and 222.8 mg, respectively) have been accomplished using this method. The determined result of 235U is 43.2 mg (U0.95rel = 5.4%) and 216.2 mg (U0.95rel = 3.2%), respectively, which are in accordance with the reference values. The pipe holdup measurement is very important for decommissioning nuclear facilities and nu-clear-material control and accounting. The absolute detection efficiencies (εsp) of full-energy γ rays peak under dif- ferent source density distribution function have been simulated using the Monte Carlo (MC) software, and the counting rates (n0) of the characteristic γ rays have been measured using the γ spectrometer followed by the calculation of the holdup. The holdup is affected by the energy of γ rays, distance at which they are detected, The comparative test of 235U refer- ence materials on the inner wall of Fe and Al pipes (the total mass of 235U is 44.6 mg and 222.8 mg, respectively. The determined result of 235U is 43.2 mg (U0.95rel = 5.4%) and 216.2 mg (U0.95rel = 3.2%), respectively, which are in accordance with the reference v alues.
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[摘 要] 在经济新常态下,高职教育也进入了“新常态”,呈现出一些新的特点。分析了高职人才培养质量的现状,剖析了产生这种状况的原因,提出通过提高教师队伍素质、创建适应高职教育“新常态”的教育教学模式和开展创新创业教育等措施,提高高职人才培养质量。  [关 键 词] 新常态;高职院校;人才培养质量  [中图分类号] G717 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)28-00
A most distinct phenomenon for nuclei near the drip line is the weak binding and the appearance of the resonant states in the continuum,which is also the common