因发现不相容原理而荣获1945年诺贝尔物理学奖的泡利(Wolfgang Pauli,1900-1958)是近代物理学史中一位特别引人注目的优秀物理学家。他的一生留给后人的启迪耐人寻味。对量子力学基础作出过重要贡献的玻恩,是一个同爱因斯坦和泡利都有过密切的个人接触因而对他们两个都有深刻了解的人,他在泡利去世11年后的1969年,在一个评注中对泡利有这样一个评价:“自从他(指泡利)在哥廷根作我的助手以来,我就已经知道他是唯一一位可与爱因斯坦相比的天才。作为一个科学家,他也许甚至比爱因斯坦还要伟大。但是,他是完全不同类型的一种人。在我看来,他没有达到爱因斯坦那样的伟大。”
Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958), who won the 1945 Nobel Prize in physics for discovering incompatible principles, is a remarkable and outstanding physicist in the history of modern physics. The enlightenment that his life left for later generations is intriguing. Born, who has made important contributions to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, is a person who has had close personal contact with Einstein and Pauli and thus has a deep understanding of both of them. He died 1969 after 11 years after Pauli’s death. In a commentary in the year, Pauly had such an evaluation: “Since he (referring to Pauli) was my assistant in Göttingen, I knew that he was the only one who could compare with Einstein. Genius. As a scientist, he may even be greater than Einstein. However, he is a completely different type of person. In my opinion, he did not achieve the greatness of Einstein.”