Temperature Dependence of Growth Mechanism forNanoscale High T_c Superconductors

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youzheng123
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The growth mechanisms of high temperature Yttrium- and Bismuth-based-superconductors were investigated at nanoscale. We started with studying the growth relationships among the three phases of Bi-2201, Bi-2212, and Bi-2233, and then extended to another growth mechanism of Bi-2223 and the growth of yttrium-based high-temperature nanosuperconductors (nano-YBCO). A time dependence of growth experiment was performed. In this experiment, the Bi-based superconductors grew within different sintering periods, and its three phases were determined by X-ray diffraction. And then, a time dependence of growth model was suggested to explain the experimental facts. With this model, governing equations were derived to quantitatively describe the growth and decomposition mechanisms during sintering period. The results calculated from the derived equations were well in agreement with the experimental data. We also suggested an alternative growth mechanism for the Bi-2223 phase, which was supported by an observation of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The nano-YBCO also grew, and their orthorhombic crystal structures were determined by the TEM. The superconducting properties of Bi-2223 were investigated by the measurements of ac magnetic susceptibility. It is expected that the derived equations will fit the alternative experimental growth mechanism of the Bi-2223 phase and the nano-YBCO growth mechanism, too. The growth mechanisms of high temperature Yttrium- and Bismuth-based-superconductors were investigated at nanoscale. We started with studying the growth relationships among the three phases of Bi-2201, Bi-2212, and Bi-2233, and then extended to another growth mechanism of Bi-2223 and the growth of yttrium-based high-temperature nanosuperconductors (nano-YBCO). A time dependence of growth experiment was performed. In this experiment, the Bi-based superconductors grew within different sintering periods, and its three phases And then, a time dependence of growth model was suggested to explain the experimental facts. With this model, governing equations were derived to quantitatively describe the growth and precipitation mechanisms during sintering period. The results calculated from the derived equations were well in agreement with the experimental data. We also suggested an alternative growth mechanism for the Bi-2223 phase, which was supported by an observation of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The nano-YBCO also grew, and their orthorhombic crystal structures were determined by the TEM. The superconducting properties of Bi-2223 were investigated by the measurements of ac magnetic susceptibility. It is expected that the derived equations will fit the alternative experimental growth mechanism of the Bi-2223 phase and the nano-YBCO growth mechanism, too.
老同学趁着假期旅游,刚好来到了我所在的城市,联系了几个尚有联系的同学,说好一起聚一聚。  我早早就在约定的饭店等待,第一个到达的是露露,她从当年那个圆滚滚的女孩子蜕变得亭亭玉立、纤细动人,眉宇间再无当年自卑的神色。陆续到来的老友们一见露露,先是惊讶,然后一阵赞叹,个个的眼底却有一抹不知何时生成的忧郁。  初中毕业时,露露以全市前三的成绩,去了省会最好的高中。三年之后,高考放榜,我们在她的QQ空间里
小朋友们,在我们的日常生活中有各种各样的声音,比如歌声、笑声、机器的轰鸣声等等。你会用英语来描述这些不同的声音吗?今天,咱 Children, there are all kinds of sounds
我以四、五年级学生为研究对象,在作文教学中,研究如何培养学生“自改”的能力,力求循序渐进,打好基础,逐层深入,让学生对修改作文产生浓厚的兴趣。 In my fourth and fifth
我的妈妈今年三十多岁,秀发披肩,办事风风火火,在我的印象中,妈妈什么都好,就是爱唠叨。提起妈妈的唠叨,可真让我苦不堪言,时间一长,竟然还有 My mother is thirties this y
美术老师上课的时候教我们画猫,大家都好开心哦!  我们一笔一画地跟在老师后面画,最后,老师问大家:“你们画出来了吗?”  “画——出——来——啦!”大家齐声回答。  老师说:“那就把你们的画举起来给老师看看吧!”  我们都把画举了起来。  老师说:“咦?好像少了一只猫啊。”  我们大家都东张西望地看,到底是谁没有举他的画。  可是,我看到大家都举了呀,就连三宝都认真地举起了他的画。  “三宝没有画