How to Improve the Students’Listening Ability

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  It is very important and difficult for the students to improve the ability of listening. The students should form the good habit of listening. The pronunciation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. The students should keep relaxed when they listen to some listening materials. The teachers try to create the language environment to improve the students’ability of listening. The students should draw attention to the oral reading skill and read something in their spare time about history, geography, culture of English-speaking countries. Most of the students do better in reading, writing and speaking English than in listening. The students hardly communicate in English. This is partially because of our examination system, and partially of the teaching methods. We can’t change the examination system, but we can improve our teaching methods.
  1.Creating a language environment. We know the largest difference between mother language learning and foreign language learning is the environment. A child can soon learn his mother language well. He has heard a lot before he can say something and walk. Then after he is able to walk and say, he has a chance of listening to more. Before he goes to school, he has already been a good listener and speaker. But for a foreign language, they can meet it only in formal places,classes, for example, otherwise, they can hardly have a chance to meet it. So I think we should try to let the students be in a language environment.
  2.Master of knowledge. Our students should work hard at English language, master a lot of English words, phrases and proverbs and remember the usage and collocation of these English words. And out of class, they should try to learn more about the customs, political systems, the backgrounds of culture sociality of English-speaking countries, the knowledge of other subjects, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and so on. During their holidays, they should read more magazines, newspapers in order to enrich their eyesight, for example, English Weekly,China Daily, The 21st Century, World Vision, Readers and so on. It will help them better understand the listening materials. Enlarge the students’knowledge about English.
  3.Master the Oral English. I think the phonetic symbol is the base. Let the students grasp the phonetic symbol. Oral reading after a radio or a teacher is a good way at the beginning.Students should do much about it.Pay attention to the oral reading skill. When they can speak English like foreigners,their listening will be easily improved.
  4.Paying Attention to English Pronunciation Strengthening the practice of distinguishing the pronunciation of different words and paying more attention to liaison and assimilation, elision and incomplete plosion.
  (1)The Practice of Distinguishing the Pronunciation of Different Words.(2)Master of liaison.In a meaning group, when the final sound of the previous word is a consonant, we must link the final consonant to the initial vowel sound of the following word.This is called liaison.When a word ending with “r”or“r”goes before a word beginning with a vowel sound, the sound [ r ] is usually pronounced as a link. (3) Master of Assimilation. Speech sounds seldom occur in isolation. They are nearly always joined together to form words and groups of words. In connected speech, sounds, under the influence of their neighbors, are replaced by other sounds. Sometimes two neighboring sounds influence each other and are replaced by a third sound, which is different from both the original sounds. This process is called assimilation. (4)Master of Incomplete Plosion. When a plosive consonant is immediately followed by another plosive, only the second plosive is fully exploded, the first plosive is incomplete. This is known as incomplete plosion, which often takes place at the junction of words. (5)Making Brief Notes. In the listening course, though some of our students can understand the meanings of the listening material, they have difficulty in finishing the questions. So making brief notes seems to be important for our students, so when they are listening to short passages. And it will help them to remember what they hear. As we know, while listening, it’s impossible and unnecessary for them to write down the whole sentence.
  I think it an effective method for the students to improve their listening ability. The students can accept these methods. If they form the good habit of listening and insist on listening to English each day, the students will make progress in their listening ability.
初中化学总复习一般分为三个阶段:一是基础知识复习,在于夯实双基;二是专题复习,在于弥补掌握过程中的的某些缺陷,增强知识的系统性;三是模拟复习,在于增强应试的能力。  第二阶段的复习是学生化学学习能力形成和发展的关键阶段。在具体复习过程中,需要注意以下几点:  一、加强复习的针对性  这一遍复习的重点是第一遍复习中感觉吃力的部分,可以在系统复习每一专题之前作一套针对性的练习,对自己掌握知识的情况进行
虽然广大英语教师都已认识到阅读训练对于形成阅读能力的重要性,但是有些老师片面地理解阅读训练的内涵,走进了阅读训练中的某些误区。本文准备对此进行分析,并就怎样走出这些误区提出一些看法,以求避免阅读训练的片面性。    一、当前阅读训练中的误区    1、将阅读测试等同于阅读训练  在整个高考英语试卷中,阅读理解题占有举足轻重的地位,是每小题赋分最高的题型。为了提高学生阅读理解题的得分,许多老师在日常
传统的教学手段是“一张嘴、一本书、一支粉笔、一块黑板”。由于其课堂容量小,一节课下来,学生所得并不多;由于形式单调,学生易产生厌倦情绪,难免出现“少慢差费”的结果。不言而喻,这样的教学手段不适应时代的发展,不利于开发学生的智力。新形势下,如何运用先进的教学手段和方法优化语文课堂教学,已成为我们语文教学研究的重要课题。   利用录音、幻灯、投影、电脑多媒体等现代教学手段,能够形象表现许多教师“只可意
在短跑教學和训练中,正确的摆臂动作很重要。但是,学生在跑步时经常有些错误动作出现。下面是本人的一些纠错的方法:  错误1:一高一低,两肩不平  纠正方法:反其道而行之,让学生按顺时针方向跑步,或者在原地练习摆臂(弯道跑步时的左肩低右肩高除外),也可站在相应高度的双杠下练习摆臂,还可两人一组面对面站立,一人用双手控制练习者的双肩。  错误2:全身紧张,肌肉僵硬  纠正方法:让学生嘴衔树叶、脸带微笑、
一、心理健康教育的含义的认识    根据联合国卫生组织对健康的最新定义:“健康不但是身体没有缺陷和疾病,还要有完整的生理、心理状态和社会适应能力。”从这一含义来看,健康的内涵应包括生理和心理两个方面。而且,它对“心理状态”和“社会适应能力”都做了明确的界定,即突出了心理健康的重要性。对于孩子们来说,他们的心理健康与否,对他们的身体健康、身体发育和学习影响极大。在《中共中央、国务院关于深化教育改革,
中学是人的一生中接受教育最重要、最关键的阶段,也是世界观、人生观、价值观形成与发展的必然过程。应试教育已过多地束缚了孩子们个性的发展。在呼喚教育改革的今天,历史教学也不能墨守成规。如何提高学生的主动性、创造性,变学会为会学,增强历史教学效果,是我们在历史教学中要解决的重点。  我在历史教学中深深感觉到,突出学生在学习中的主体地位、强化教师的主导作用,在素质教育中至关重要。本人也做了些尝试。    
初中学生年龄小,好奇心和求知欲都较强,在课堂上喜欢表现自己,但自我控制能力较差,注意力容易分散。如何针对初中学生的这些特点,设计并处理好课堂提问,是提高课堂教学效果非常重要的一个环节。  在多年的教学实践中,我尝试采用下列几种提问方法,获得了较好的效果。    一、聯系学生的知识,层层深入地提出问题,导入新课    例如:在讲解串联电路的特点时,我设计了如下问题:亮度可调节的台灯的亮度(或收音机音
随着计算机网络在农村的普及,以庞大的信息数据库和信息高速公路等要素构成的互联网,将农村里的孩子带入了全新的网络时代,极大地改变着农村孩子的生活、学习和思维方式,也给我们乡村教育带来了新的希望。  多媒体和网络技术大大优化了语文课堂教学,它对文本、图形、静止的图像、声音、动画和视频等信息有集成处理能力,为学生进行研究性学习和个性化学习提供了一个全方位的交互环境。在网络氛围下,师与生、生与生、人与机之
人们通常认为掌握一门外语要过三关(语音关、词汇关、语法关)斩五将(听、说、读、写、译)。相对来说,语音关和语法关并不难过,最难过的要算词汇关。能否达到大纲要求的四会,在很大程度上取决于词汇量掌握的多少。由于历史发展的原因,英语单词的读音与拼写脱节,这就增加了记单词的困难。怎样才能让学生用较少的时间记忆较多的单词呢?    一、利用心理学原理记忆单词  记忆是有规律可循的,一般是被记忆的对象出现的次