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  木心还说过:万头攒动火树银花之处不必找我。如欲相见,我在各种悲喜交集处,能做的只是长途跋涉的归真返璞。多么孤傲,多么决绝,又是那么可爱!   如今的乌镇,除了世界互联网大会,还有乌镇戏剧节,这是国际戏剧交流的文化地标,是促进中西方文化融合的舞台。只要走进乌镇,江南文化的韵味便会芬芳馥郁地袭来。倘若你走得累了,可以在岸边的美人靠坐下来,面对清澈的江南水发呆,想心事,洗涤身心的尘埃,或者走进临街的茶馆歇脚、喝茶、聊天,体验市井风情。茶馆“访卢阁”因为茶圣陆羽而著名,在乌镇中市应家桥南堍,背倚车溪市河,面向中市大街,俯临东市河,遥望观前街风情世态,一边悠闲地喝着茶,一边品尝着乌镇的名点姑嫂饼,任时光流逝而去,心底怡然自如。访卢阁,姑嫂饼,在古镇民间都流传着充满情趣的历史传說,洋溢着亲切动人的文化韵味。
  Wuzhen: Natural Beauty, Cultural Splendor
  Wuzhen in northern Zhejiang is a typical canal town in Jiangnan or the south of the Yangtze River Delta. Mao Dun (1896-1981), a native of Wuzhen, portrayed his birth place splendidly in his short stories. Nowadays, Wuzhen offers more than tourism attractions. Crisscrossed by rivers and bridges, the scenic river town now doubles as the venue for World Internet Conference and hosts Wuzhen Theater Festival.
  In good old times, Wuzhen had more bridges. It is said that there was a bridge every 100 steps. Of all these bridges, the best known are Tongji Bridge and Renji Bridge nicknamed as sister bridges. In the past, west of Tongji Bridge was Wuzhen, part of Wuxing county whereas east of Tongji Bridge was Qingzhen, Tongxiang county.
  Though Wuzhen has a long history and prospered in the past thanks to the canal that connects Beijing in the north and Hangzhou in the south, it was in the shadow of history for a very long time in the 20th century. It was not until 2002 that a 23-episode television romance called Remembrance of Things Past brought spotlight on the ancient canal town. It was the first time in the past decades that the poetic beauty of Wuzhen was viewed thoroughly and romantically by the national audience.
  Mao Dun was the penname of Shen Yanbing, one of the best known novelists of the first half of the 20th century in China. The writer’s former residence in the town stands for his reputation. The main component in the courtyard is a two-story house where Mao Dun wrote some of his best know novels and novelettes. The study was decorated in a Japanese architectural style, with copyright royalties of Midnight, one of the best known novels by Mao Dun. The seven-meter-tall palm in the garden is said to have been planted by the writer.
  Mao Dun isn’t the only celebrity Wuzhen is proud of. Not far from Mao Dun’s former residence is a grand residence named after Xia Tongshan (1831-1880). Xia grew up in Wuzhen with his maternal grandmother. He later came out as Jinshi in the imperial examination in 1865 and became Hanlin, a member of the Imperial Academy, handpicked by Emperor Xianfeng. The emperor gave Xia a plaque with Hanlin Residence handwritten on it. The plaque was placed at the house in Wuzhen. The house later was redecorated with the imperial approval. Xia had a brilliant career at the imperial court, but he is best known among ordinary people as a judge that successfully reversed a wrongful verdict in a case in the 1870s.   The best known cultural legacy of Wuzhen is what Xiao Tong (501-531) did at Wuzhen. Xiao, best known as Prince Zhaoming of the Liang Dynasty (502-557), came to Wuzhen with his tutor Shen Yue. He was personally tutored and had a library built in the river town. The prince is celebrated in the history of Chinese literature for Zhaoming Anthology, the first collection of poems and prose in China. Wuzhen now boasts a building named after the prince, erected in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
  Another cultural celebrity of Wuzhen is Mu Xin, the penname of Sun Pu (1927-2011), a poet and essayist and painter who lived in America from 1982 to 2006 before he came back home in Wuzhen. Sun Pu in his childhood years knew Mao Dun and checked out books from the celebrated writer’s library many times. The books he read in Wuzhen opened his eyes to the world. Though Mu Xin wrote in a style totally different from that of Shen Yanbing, the two writers are remembered endearingly in Wuzhen. Mu Xin Museum is now a landmark in Wuzhen unveiled in November 2015.
  The World Internet Conference, inaugurated in 2014, is now an annual event held in November. The first conference attracted prominent figures from nearly 100 countries. That was China’s first internet conference of this kind and on this scale and an unparalleled event globally. The Wuzhen Theater Festival is an annual event in the ancient water town, co-founded by Chen Xianghong, Huang Lei, Stan Lai and Meng Jinghui, and organized by Culture Wuzhen Co., Ltd. The festival, one of the premier festivals in China and Asia, attracts international troupes and stages eye-opening shows.
  A grand celebration of the art of performance and a hub for cultural exchange amidst the stunning backdrop of ancient canals and alleys, Wuzhen Theater Festival consists of various inter-related parts: the Specially Invited Plays, the Emerging Theatre Artists Competition, the Outdoor Carnival, and the Wuzhen Dialogues, etc. During the festival, the entire town of Wuzhen, which has a history of more than 1,300 years, is transformed into a stage, and theater lovers all over the world are invited to enjoy this tantalizing feast of the theatrical arts.
  One of the unique qualities of the Wuzhen Theater Festival is the charm and variety of all of its theater spaces. Within walking distance of each other, there are over ten indoor venues that sport widely differing characteristics--all exuding the charm and beauty of the old town. There is a large amphitheater, and several outdoor plazas suited for performance. These striking venues create a theater cluster that is not only unique in China, but in any theater festival in the world.
  For average tourists, however, the internet conference and the theater festival are all the hustle and bustle they avoid. In their eye, Wuzhen is a river town suggesting a traditional lifestyle that goes back to the depth of history and culture and to many centuries ago. One can wander aimlessly in the town, hang out at a riverside teahouse, or visit historical and cultural landmarks casually. This is a town of serenity and peace, a place where a visitor can relax and unwind and can have a good time comparing what one sees in present-day Wuzhen with forgotten past of Wuzhen one can image and let everything of the river town become memories that one can take away and keep in heart.
2021丝绸之路周:多元共存与包容发展  6月18日上午,“2021丝绸之路周”杭州主场活动暨“万物生灵:丝绸之路上的动物与植物”展览的开幕式在中国丝绸博物馆举办。开幕式上播放了来自联合国教科文组织、上海合作组织、世界丝绸之路大学联盟、大英博物馆、荷兰国家纺织博物馆、俄罗斯国家历史博物馆、西班牙普拉多博物館、意大利威尼斯大学等20余家机构的视频贺词与贺信,发布了《2020年度丝绸之路文化遗产年报》
“世界看见·诗画浙江”荣膺2021EMA大奖   3月30日,由全球知名垂直媒体Campaign主办的活动营销大奖EMA(Event Marketing Awards)获奖名单正式公布,由浙江省人民政府新闻办公室、浙江省文化和旅游厅主办,浙江省文化艺术交流促进会协办的2020年“世界看见 · 诗画浙江”海外推广文旅金名片展示周艺压群芳,赢得2021EMA的Best Arts & Cultural
编者按:文化资讯栏目聚焦近期文化活动,抢先剧透,有趣又有料。在满眼翠绿惹人醉的初夏时节感受丰富多彩的文化魅力,带你了解最新热门展览和演出活动!  Culture Events   Culture Events focuses on recent cultural events in Zhejiang, bringing you the latest news and developments, e
编者按:文化资讯栏目将聚焦近期文化活动,抢先剧透,有趣又有料,在花香满径的春天里感受丰富多彩的文化魅力,带你了解最新热门展览和演出活动。  Culture Events  Culture Events focuses on recent cultural events in Zhejiang, bringing you the latest news and developments, exhib
“江南忆,最忆是杭州”,“忽然思永嘉,不惮海路赊”,“山阴道上行,如在镜中游”,“行遍江南清丽地,人生只合住湖州”,“水通南国三千里,气压江城十四州”,“龙楼凤阙不肯住,飞腾直欲天台去”,“湖月照我影,送我至剡溪”……从晋代至清代,历代诗人一首首脍炙人口的诗词,深深镌刻在浙江大地,展现着浙江特殊的历史文化魅力。  浙江省政府印发《浙江省诗路文化带发展规划》,针对浙东唐诗诗路、大运河诗路、钱塘江诗路
一位栗色頭发的法国南部的女孩,从小就对与亚洲和中国有关的一切感到着迷。即使久居家中,她的思绪也早飞到云端,梦想着一场异国旅行。   12岁时,她买到一个中国舞狮造型的雕像,狮子泛着绿光,触摸它时还会摇头晃脑,她曾经许诺会将它一直珍藏,至今这只中国狮子仍然“住”在她国外的家中。   这个小女孩后来有个中文名叫“伊飞雪”。年轻时伊飞雪移居加拿大,在那儿定居并从事职业艺术家和老师的职业。成为母亲后,她也
《知晓我姓名》译后感  2019年12月初的一天,大学师妹杨沁联系我,询问是否有意向翻译《知晓我姓名》一书,翻译时间只给三个月,而出版社希望找一位能对作品“感同身受”的女性译者来承担这项工作。我看过样稿和资料之后就接下了这一任务。如今转眼已一年过去,年轻的作家香奈儿·米勒——张小夏的这部在美国获得盛誉的回忆录,在中国面世以来也受到了读者与媒体的大量关注与好评,还以高分登上“2020豆瓣年度读书榜单
帅气、谦逊、随和、儒雅,这是Christian Thomasberger先生带给我们的第一印象,他递过来的名片上有一个中文名字叫“钱战”,他说自己愿意随时接受挑战。1987年,他以实习生的身份在奥地利维也纳Sacher Hotel酒店开始酒店职业生涯的挑战,随后的30年,从餐饮基层员工稳步升至管理岗位,工作足迹遍及西班牙、塞浦路斯、埃及和突尼斯等国。去年11月,钱战被任命为杭州奥克伍德国际酒店公寓
牛來运转,牛年寓意丰收的希望、幸福的憧憬以及对风调雨顺的祈求。寓意吉祥的刺绣围巾梭织肌理更细腻亲肤,呈现了围巾织物的丰厚绒质与舒适触感,粗线条渐变色立体演绎“牛”气威风、摇曳尾巴虎虎生风。  刺绣围巾暖意融融、光泽盈盈,柔软顺滑,细穗摆动间,化为浪漫的延伸,每一个细节都包含对新春佳节的期许。绿色的生活是诗意的生活,冬日暖阳温柔和煦,给人们带来温暖。  充满年味的归途福牛围巾,诉说着牛年的团聚喜乐,
在古运河畔的桐乡石门湾,一泓绿水,孕育了一位戴着圆形眼镜、抚着银白长髯,欣然微笑、逍遥自在的智者——丰子恺。  石门湾的缘缘堂,是这位淡泊悠然、率真本色的中国传统文人的精神栖憩之地。正直、高大、轩敞、明爽的缘缘堂,是丰子恺亲自设计的三楹高楼。他对缘缘堂的珍惜与喜爱,决非常人可以体察。他在文章中写道:“但倘使秦始皇要拿阿房宫来同我交换、石季伦愿把金谷园来和我对调,我决不同意。”  高楼三楹、朴素轩敞