目的观察应用口服涤肠三清茶,对胶囊内镜术前肠道准备,并与传统的肠道准备方法相比较,观察两者的效果和差异。方法采用设立对照组的方法,应用涤肠三清茶与其他传统方法(口服甘露醇或/和中药)术前肠道准备的效果进行比较;在术前3~4 h空腹饮用温开水(37℃)稀释的清洗剂,开始可饮500 ml待肠道蠕动增加(20~30 min后),肠鸣音增强,可再行饮用,胃肠清洁剂的饮用速度,可按每分钟20~40 ml的速度进行,过快可引起呕吐,过慢达不到清洗效果,一般2000 ml可在2 h内喝完;再应用重庆金山科技(集团)有限公司生产的胶囊内镜的成像效果。结果应用涤肠三清茶对胶囊内镜术前肠道准备的效果,就对胃、空回肠及结肠的成像清晰度分别提高了32.1%,33.3%与9.9%,P<0.01,明显优于传统方法。结论应用涤肠三清茶对胶囊内镜术前肠道准备的效果理想,可作为在胃肠道手术及有关检查时的首选方法之一。可进一步推广应用。
Objective To observe the effect of oral administration of Dioscorea Sanqing tea on the intestinal preparation before capsule endoscopy and compare with the traditional method of intestinal preparation to observe the effects and differences between the two methods. Methods The control group was used to compare the effect of Dioscorea Sancha tea preoperatively with other traditional methods (oral mannitol or / and traditional Chinese medicine) preoperative bowel preparation; warm water (37 ℃ ) Diluted detergent, began to drink 500 ml to be increased peristalsis (20 ~ 30 min), increased bowel sounds, can be re-drinking, gastrointestinal cleanser drinking speed, according to 20 ~ 40 ml Of the speed, too fast can cause vomiting, too slow to reach the cleaning effect, generally 2000 ml can be drunk within 2 h; then use Chongqing Jinshan Science and Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. capsule endoscopic imaging results. Results The effect of Dioscorea of Sanqicha on capsule preparation before capsule endoscopy was improved by 32.1%, 33.3% and 9.9% respectively, P <0.01, which was significantly better than the traditional method. Conclusion The application of Dioscorea Sanqing tea has good effect on the intestinal preparation before capsule endoscopy, which can be used as one of the preferred methods in gastrointestinal surgery and related examination. Can be further promoted.