Identity Crisis of '6Frankensteins"from the Perspective of Existentialism

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  Abstract : Trying to make cenain of three major questions about existence in the light of three phases of Existentialism , this paper aimsat revealing the identity crisis of the two protagonists as well as existential influences on individual existence.
  Keyword s : three phases of Existentialism , identity crisis , individual existence1 Introduction
  In mainland China, related researches had been done little yearsago. What had been advocated in Frankenstein were regarded anti-sci -entific and retrogressive. Naturally, this novel reminded a jade in therough in literary field. While the existing studies focus ruainly on MaryShelly ' s interpretation and critique on Romanticism.the twisted Procre -ation Viewpoint , Feminism as well as Ecological Ethics. In recent years .with more widely acception of multicultural literature . some scholars be -gin to pay more attention to Mary Shelly and her Frankenstein.
  This paper strikes a unique line of combining Existentialism and thepursuit identity for their owning something in common. A great number ofresearches centers upon the impacts on human society that brought withthe development of science and technology. As far as I am concerned,Mary expressed far more than that. She thought and created Frankensteinwith the pursuit of identity. According to this point, l set the author' sidentity crisis as a foreshadowing of my study on her two protagonists. Mypaper conducts from the search of self-identity with the assistance ofExistentialism. For Existentialism concerns the development of individ -ual. Thus . a systematic structure of one ' s life of existing appears.
  2 the Pursuit for Identity and Identity Crisis of the Two " Frankensteins"
  The pursuit for identity of the scientist Victor and his creator aredivided into three phases in this paper. Fowles once claimed that. Exis -tentialism is not a hidebound philosophy telling people what to do. It is atool. a practical philosophy that helps people with their survivals in par -ticular situation. Therefore. Existentialism is a key to the understandingof identity crisis. This article analyzes the elements of Existentialismfrom various aspects.
  In the first phase of creating. that is , where do l come from? "lonelyand mysterious individual" "free choices " . such descriptions are used toexplain the monster' s creation. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche took the roleof making free choices , particularly fundamental values and heliefs , andhow such choices change the nature and identity of the chooser intoconsideration. "Cod and Nothingness "existence precedes essence"(Shelley . 1982) account for Victor ' s failure in pursuing for identity as aCreator( Cod).   While in the second phase of integrating. " Who am I" in short,"lived relations" "gaze and be gazed" "free choice" present as key waysin pursuing for identity as human being of the monster. While this expe -rience. in its basic phenomenological sense . constitutes the world as ob -jective. and oneself as objectively existing subjectivity (one experiencesoneself as seen in the Other' s Look in precisely the same way that oneexperiences the Other as seen by him , as subjectivity) . in Existentialism ,it also acts as a kind of limitation of one ' s freedom. As for Victor."alienation and absurdity" "self-destruction by hahits " ( Shelley. 1982 )are existential interpretations of his identity crisis as a monster.
  In the final phase, "Where aru I going" "individual and the other""the other is the hell" "suicide" and "life is a tragedy" indicate thefailure of pursuit for identity of the two Frankensteins. What' s more."individual existence and freedom " and "authenticity" (Shelley. 1982)provide a new entry point for warning significance to modern society(identity crisis of modern humans). The therue of authentic existence iscommon to many existentialist thinkers. It is often taken to mean that onehas to "find oneself" and then live in accordance with this self.
  3 Conclusion
  "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am l going?" are threefundamental and insightful questions raised by both Existentialism andIdentity. It doubts whether there is anybody could offer a precise answerfor himself. Seem quite easy. those three questions confused their wholelife of many existentialists and those who studies on identity. Only in theprocess of existing as well as pursuing self-identity , can one make sense.
  [1]Earnshaw, Steven. Existentialism: A Guide for thePerplexed. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language EducationPress. 2009.
  [2]Shelley,Mary. Frankenstein. New York:Bantam Books.1982.
  [3]Marcus, Steven. Frankenstein: Myths of Scientificand Medical Knowledge and Stories of Human Relations. TheSouthern Review. 2002. 38. 1.
  [4]Pollin,Burton R. Philosophical and Literary Sourc -es of Frankenstein. Comparative Literature. 1965.
幼儿园户外区域运动以全面促进幼儿生长发育为出发点,根据幼儿园自然特点,创设适宜的户外活动环境。  本文旨在对幼儿园户外区域运动——平衡的设计与实施方面进行探究。具体为:以锻炼幼儿平衡能力为中心,进行幼儿园平衡区户外区域的划分,平衡区的活动课程设计与实施,并以平衡区为例进行课程设计,对课程实施进行效果评价。  一、平衡区的区域设置及活动组织的目的  平衡区整体呈长条形,一共有四大部分组成,第一部分是
◆摘 要:乡土文化是学生感受家乡、认知家乡的有效手段,是加深对家乡的热爱与理解的重要途径。笔者尝试挖掘乡土文化资源,将泥塑教学与绍兴乡土文化开发和整合,运用清新的乡土艺术色彩创造泥塑作品等板块教学,把传统艺术和乡土文化一同带入到小学高段泥塑课堂中,补充、丰富美术教学内容。  ◆关键词:泥塑教学;乡土文化;小学美术  一、寻根溯源润泥香(乡土文化对小学高段泥塑教学的意义)  乡土文化,简单来说,就是
摘要:随着社会经济的不断发展,国家教育部门加强对学生的教育和培养工作,倡导素质教育发展政策,引导学生树立社会主义核心价值观,实现学生的全面发展。中小学根据学生的学习能力和个性特点,增加开展校园文化建设、实践活动等方式,能够有效提高学生的学习能力和综合素质,认识和了解社会主义核心价值观的意义,促进国内学校德育工作的顺利发展。  关键词:社会主义核心价值观;学校德育工作;中小学校;实践  根据社会教育
摘要:十九大报告中提出建设知识型、技能型、创新型劳动者大军,弘扬劳模精神和工匠精神,在国家积极倡导重塑工匠精神的教育政策不断推行下,我校计算机平面设计专业在“四维四能”的课堂教学模式下正探索培养学生的“工匠精神”。  关键词:中职;计算机平面设计专业;“四维四能”课堂教学;工匠精神  面对当前中职计算机平面设计学生在平面设计行业就业难的问题,缺乏工匠精神是其中不可忽视的方面,我校计算机平面设计专业
摘要:培养良好的礼仪行为规范,要从小学生抓起,重点在于教师的德育管理。教师在日常教学和生活管理中,将德育融入到活动中,能够取得良好的德育效果。我们期望探索行之有效的策略,形成一套适合于小学生的品德教育模式,归纳品德习惯养成的理论性、实践性的成果。因此,本文将针对如何培养小学生良好的言行举止展开探讨。  关键词:小学;德育管理;班级活动;实践  一、小学德育管理实施策略  在小学德育管理中,学校和教
一、具体问题(案例内容简介)  赵同学,男,19岁,2019级网络技术专业学生,该同学自从入学后,校园环境适应不良,其经常表现出暴躁,性格孤僻,不爱与同学交流,不愿参加集体活动,有严重厌学症状,经常旷课,数次提出退学。经过谈心谈话了解到,赵同学出现心理健康问题,已经影响正常学习和生活,问题迫切需要得到解决。  二、案例解决思路  1.分析原因,深入了解  大一新生进入校园后,经常要面对新的情况,扮
摘要:随着我国教育事业的不断发展与教育体系的逐步完善,许多新型的教学模式与教学方法随之诞生,初中阶段英语课程的学习对每一名同学都至关重要,智慧课堂作为一种全新的教学模式,有着其独特的优势。本文着重分析初中英语视听说教学的现状以及初中英语智慧课堂视听说教学的具体策略以及方法,希望提高初中英语视听说教学的整体教学质量。  关键词:智慧课堂;初中英语;视听说  智慧课堂作为一种新型的教学模式,自开创以来
面对疫情导致的延迟开学,全国各地的中小学都积极应对。我们学校也对此组织并开展了“停课不停学,居家学习我能行”的线上教学活动。在近三个月的线上教学中,我对网络技术操作从最初的忐忑、生疏、紧张到中期的逐步适应、慢慢摸索,再到现在的熟练自如,让我领悟到终生学习的意义,特殊教育方式下,不仅仅考验的是学生,其实更考验了老师,这段期间对我来说是收获满满。  一、答疑课堂形式的变换  线上语文课程的学习,以录播
摘要:素质教育背景下,小学语文是一门重要的学科。语文课堂教学内容丰富,语文老师难以在课堂教学过程中将学生的文化知识素养提高。文化知识的累积不是一蹴而就的,往往是通过学生在课堂之外不断地累积,进而才能实现。而在教学过程中,要想增加知识量必须要提高阅读量,阅读是小学生接触课堂之外知识的主要途径。本文叙述了课外阅读对小学语文教学中的价值,同时展开分析了如何拓展课外阅读量的对策。  关键词:课外阅读;小学