患者女,50岁,因外阴出现多个疣状增殖性皮损1年于 2005年4月6日来我院就诊。1年前患者双侧大阴唇出现散在几个丘疱疹,米粒大小,无痛痒感,皮损破溃,有透亮液体流出。皮损不断增多、增大,逐渐累及双侧大阴唇内外侧,部分皮损融合呈乳头瘤样改变,走路时感摩擦不适。在当地医院曾以疱疹给予抗病毒治疗,无效。既往有丹毒病史四五年, 发病部位位于右大腿伸侧。2004年发作3次,腹部皮肤也受
Female patient, 50 years old, appeared multiple verrucous proliferative lesions due to the vulva 1 year in April 6, 2005 came to our hospital. A year ago, the patient appeared on both sides of the labia majus scattered a few mound herpes, grain size, no itching, skin ulceration, translucent liquid outflow. Lesions continue to increase, increase, gradually involving both labia majora both inside and outside, part of the fusion showed papillary tumor-like changes, walking friction sense of discomfort. Antiviral therapy was given at a local hospital for herpes and was ineffective. Past history of erysipelas four or five years, the incidence of the site located in the right thigh extensor. Attacks in 2004 3 times, abdominal skin also affected