This study investigated the pre-school children’s understanding of the structure and composition of the story when narrating the story in a different written language than the one used for the purpose of the conversation. One of the main purposes of this study is to summarize a comprehensive view by analyzing the same set of stories spoken by preschoolers according to the typical variables observed by different investigators. The subjects were 33 children of three, four and five who asked them to repeat a similar story, “Three Little Pigs,” to analyze the final story of the subjects based on (a) whether Stein and Glenn story grammar The six categories included in the rules; (b) The complexity of the story structure; (c) The use of canonical story features and (d) The concept of narrative. The results show that age is not a sensitive predictor of story knowledge and verbal ability is a more effective predictor. The statistical data of this study show that the pre-school children’s grasp of the content knowledge of the story precedes the knowledge of the structure.