Analysis of Volatile Components in Strawberry Cultivars Xingdu 1 and Xingdu 2 and Their Parents

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To study differences and genetic trends of volatiles in Xingdu 1 and Xingdu 2,the strawberry cultivars,with their parents,the volatile components were analyzed by head space-solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.The results indicated that a total of 50 compounds were identified in Xingdu 1 cultivar,including hexanoic acid methyl ester and hexanoic acid ethyl ester,butanoic acid methyl ester,and butanoic acid ethyl ester,octanoic acid methyl ester and octanoic acid ethyl ester,isomyl hexanoate.And there were 71 compounds in Xingdu 2,which were similar to that of Xingdu 1.About 55 volatiles were identified in Allstar(female parent),including acetone,acetic acid 1-methylethyl ester,1-octanol,hexanoic acid ethyl ester and butanoic acid methyl ester.And 43 volatiles were identified in Toyonoka(male parent),including hexanoic acid ethyl ester,nerolidol,1-octanol,hexanoic acid methyl ester,acetic acid octyl ester,isomyl hexanoate and octanoic acid methyl ester.Consequently,hexanoic acid methyl ester and hexanoic acid ethyl ester,butanoic acid methyl ester,and butanoic acid ethyl ester and isomyl hexanoate in twins might be affected both sides of their parents.In the family,male parent(Toyonoka) had the highest concentrations of fragrance alcohols,such as nerolidol,linalool and 1-octanol,but which couldn’t be transmitted to the descendants.Acetone,acetic acid 1-methylethyl ester of the twins originally came from matrilinear inheritance,as the contents of the two compounds were very high in Allstar but little in Toyonoka.Genetic trends of butanoic acid methyl ester,butanoic acid ethyl ester,hexanoic acid ethyl ester,hexanoic acid methyl ester and isomyl hexanoate were affected by both sides of parents. To study differences and genetic trends of volatiles in Xingdu 1 and Xingdu 2, the strawberry cultivars, with their parents, the volatile components were analyzed by head space-solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. These results indicate that a total of 50 compounds were identified in Xingdu 1 cultivar, including hexanoic acid methyl ester and hexanoic acid ethyl ester, butanoic acid methyl ester, and butanoic acid ethyl ester, octanoic acid methyl ester and octanoic acid ethyl ester, isomyl hexanoate. And there were 71 compounds in Xingdu 2, which were similar to that of Xingdu 1.About 55 volatiles were identified in Allstar (female parent), including acetone, acetic acid 1-methylethyl ester, 1-octanol, hexanoic acid ethyl ester and butanoic acid methyl ester. And 43 volatiles were identified in Toyonoka (male parent), including hexanoic acid ethyl ester, nerolidol, 1-octanol, hexanoic acid methyl ester, acetic acid octyl ester, isomyl hexanoate and octanoic acid methyl ester. C onstituted, hexanoic acid methyl ester and hexanoic acid ethyl ester, butanoic acid methyl ester, and butanoic acid ethyl ester and isomyl hexanoate in twins might be affected both sides of their parents. In the family, male parent (Toyonoka) had the highest concentrations of fragrance alcohols, such as nerolidol, linalool and 1-octanol, but which could not be transmitted to the descendants. Acetone, acetic acid 1-methylethyl ester of the twins initially came from matrilinear inheritance, as the contents of the two compounds were very high in Allstar but little in Toyonoka. Genetic trends of butanoic acid methyl ester, butanoic acid ethyl ester, hexanoic acid ethyl ester, hexanoic acid methyl ester and isomyl hexanoate were affected by both sides of parents.
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