Damage Characteristics of TiD_2 Films Irradiated by a Mixed Pulsed Beam of Titanium and Hydrogen Ion

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:you2245g
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Titanium deuteride is an important nuclear material used in the field of nuclear technology, and further research is needed into TiD_2 films irradiated by pulsed ion beams of the vacuum arc discharge with hydrogen. In the current study, these irradiated TiD_2 films have been investigated using scanning electronic microscopy and slow positron annihilation techniques. Both the thermal effect and irradiation defects of TiD_2 films were studied, following their irradiation with mixed pulsed ion beams of titanium and hydrogen ions. It is found that the thermal effect is trivial on the irradiated surfaces, and the dominant effect is irradiation defects which can be enhanced by repetitive shots and is characterized by the inner diffusion of irradiation defects. Titanium deuteride is an important nuclear material used in the field of nuclear technology, and further research is needed into TiD_2 films irradiated by pulsed ion beams of the vacuum arc discharge with hydrogen. In the current study, these irradiated TiD_2 films have been investigated using scanning Both the thermal effect and AIDS defects of TiD_2 films were studied, following their irradiation with mixed pulsed ion beams of titanium and hydrogen ions. It is found that the thermal effect is trivial on the irradiated surfaces, and the dominant effect is caused defects which can be enhanced by repetitive shots and is characterized by the inner diffusion of irradiation defects.
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