Study on the Nutrition Characteristics of Different K Use Efficiency Cotton Genotypes to K Deficienc

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To study the mechanism of plant K use efficiency, both K high and low use efficiency cotton genotypes, 103 and 122, respectively, were selected from 86 cotton cultivars (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The research was conducted using pot experiment for planting cotton on without K (0.0 g kg-1 soil) and with K (0.4 g kg-1 soil) treatments in 2005. Experimental result showed that, with K deficiency stress, genotype 103 grew much better than genotype 122 except that its lower leaves showed the symptoms of K deficiency, whereas all the leaves of genotype 122 showed the symptoms of K deficiency. Root dry matter weights of treatments for genotype 103 with and without K application were 1.07 and 1.25 times of genotype 122. It indicated that the root system of genotype 103 was well developed and has better nutrition uptake capability than that of genotype 122. The result also showed that the cotton shoots of genotype 103 were 1.07 and 1.13 times over genotype 122 on treatments of with and without K application. It indicated that genotype 103 has stronger transport organs. In genotype 103, plants, dry matter, and potassium were mainly transported to cotton bolls. The boll dry weight of genotype 103 was 2.58 times in without K treatment and 1.90 times in with K treatment over genotype 122. The potassium accumulation in bolls of genotype 122 was only 49.3% of that in genotype 103. Potassium accumulation in the other organs of genotype 103 was relatively low compared with in bolls. This indicated that the distribution of K and organic matter in genotype 103 was more efficient than genotype 122. The main differences between high K efficiency cotton genotype 103 and low K efficiency genotype 122 lie in their potassium nutrition and organic matter using efficiency on uptake, transportation, accumulation, distribution, and utilization. To study the mechanism of plant K use efficiency, both K high and low use efficiency cotton genotypes, 103 and 122, respectively, were selected from 86 cotton cultivars (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The research was conducted using pot experiment for planting cotton on without K (0.0 g kg -1 soil) and with K (0.4 g kg -1 soil) treatments in 2005. Experimental result showed that, with K deficiency stress, genotype 103 increased much better than genotype 122 except that its lower leaves showed the the symptoms of K deficiency, but all of the leaves of genotype 122 showed symptoms of K deficiency. Root dry matter weights of treatments for genotype 103 with and without K application were 1.07 and 1.25 times of genotype 122. It indicates that the root system of genotype 103 was well developed and has better nutrition uptake capability than that of genotype 122. The result also showed that the cotton shoots of genotype 103 were 1.07 and 1.13 times over genotype 122 on treatments of with and without K a It shows that genotype 103 has stronger transport organs. In genotype 103, plants, dry matter, and potassium were mainly transported to cotton bolls. The boll dry weight of genotype 103 was 2.58 times in without K treatment and 1.90 times in with K treatment over genotype 122. The potassium accumulation in bolls of genotype 122 was only 49.3% of that in genotype 103. Potassium accumulation in the other organs of genotype 103 was relatively low compared with in bolls. This indicates that the distribution of K and organic matter in genotype 103 was more efficient than genotype 122. The main differences between high K efficiency cotton genotype 103 and low K efficiency genotype 122 lie in their potassium nutrition and organic matter using efficiency on uptake, transportation, accumulation, distribution, and utilization.
摘 要: 线性代数是高等院校理工类科及经管专业的必修课程,是学生学习后续课程的基础.由于其内容比较抽象,学生在学习这门课时有一定的难度。基于此,本文在教学方法、教学手段等方面提出相应的方案。  关键词: 线性代数教学 教学方法 几何思想  线性代数作为高等学校包含理、工、经、管等学科学生必修的数学基础,主要讨论行列式、矩阵理论、线性变换、线性空间和线性代数方程组,其成熟于十九世纪,并逐渐广泛地应用
摘 要: 在数学教学中开展小组合作学习,有利于培养学生与他人交往、合作的能力,让学生在合作交往的过程中学习知识,交流情感体验,增进感情交流,培养团结协作精神,使学生学得主动学得轻松,促进全体学生的素质得到全面提高。本文对小组合作学习进行了研究,具体分析了研究的背景、目标、主要内容、方法及相关做法。  关键词: 数学教学 小组合作学习 实验研究  目前,我国由于传统教学理论的影响和教学条件的限制,教
摘 要: 高中数学教学的主要目的是培养学生的创新能力,新课程背景下,怎样才能提高高中数学课堂教学效率,从而达到教学目标,是每一位教育工作者都必须关注的焦点问题。本文针对这一问题,立足于我国高中课堂数学教学实践展开相应的讨论,希望能在一定程度上促进教育事业的发展。  关键词: 新课程背景 高中数学教学 教学效率  高中数学课程标准强调培养学生自主学习的能力,而传统的教学方式恰恰与这种观点相悖。在传统
摘 要: 课堂即时评价是依据一定的评价标准对学生在课堂上的学习态度、方法、效果等方面做出的实时评估,激励学生后继学习,促进学生全面发展。本文结合实例从即时评价中的教师态度、评价内容、教师语言及评价主体等四个方面,分析初中数学课堂教学即时评价中出现的问题及解决策略。  关键词: 数学课堂教学 即时评价 存在问题 解决策略  《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》提出:评价的主要目的是全面了解数学学
在数学教育逐步由“应试教育”向“素质教育”转轨的过程中,教育工作者需要更新观念,开拓创新,大面积提高教学质量,更新现有的教育模式与管理理念,给学生发展的时间和空间,加快课程改革的研究与实施,推进素质教育。下面笔者谈谈在教学过程中的体会。  1.精心准备,认真备课  教学是一门艺术,备好课是搞好艺术的基本条件。每一课都要做到“有备而来”,在课前做好充分准备。要备起点,所谓起点,就是新知识在原有知识基