The Application of Color in Package Design

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  Abstract:In nowadays,color design is more and more areas to play their own role.From urban construction to daily life everywhere in color,the color is the first element of the senses,people observe the object,the color reaction of the optic nerve of the fastest,but also associated with other sensory organs and brain activity,resulting in comprehensive perception and awareness.
  Key Words:colour;packing design
  1.Basic knowledge of color
  Color is the most important expression of packaging design language,silent commodity propagandist.The color expression in packaging design must have the very strong visual impact and the symbol,it can display attractive charm and the product strength.
  (1)Three elements of color
  Hue refers to the appearance and name of the color,what is,the color it appears.It is mainly used to distinguish different colors.
  Brightness refers to the degree of light and shade of color,which has two meanings.The 2nd is the lightness that points to color itself,if yellow lightness is high,blue lightness is low.
  Purity,refers to the color of grey,that is,color saturation of the degree of difference.
  (2)Character of color
  We live in an era where we express ourselves with colors.The color on the package is the most active factor affecting our vision,and the atmosphere of our life also stimulates our senses.Color acts on a person to produce a kind of pure psychological induction,caused by the inherent feeling of color.Here,we study the personality of several of the most important colors on the hue ring.
  White gives a person's psychological feeling:white means bright,cool,noble,clean,fresh and also with the spirit of youth,innocent side.
  White give a person to be spirit,style,bright,young,high-grade,suitable for all kinds of people,more popular.
  Psychological sensation:conveys feelings of solemnity,steadiness,seriousness,loneliness and superiority.
  Vision:mysterious,steady,noble,cultivate one's morality,capable,generous,steady,but not suitable for large area use.
  3)Blue tone
  Psychological sense:blue is the symbol of eternity,it is the coldest color.Blue is a kind of beauty,quiet,rational,peaceful and clean.As a result of blue character,have reason,accurate image,convey pure honest and young impression.
  Blue give a person to be soft,young,steady,generous.
  4)Red tone
  Psychological sense:red is warm,impulsive,powerful colour,it can make muscle function and blood circulation quicken.   Vision:spirit,lively,high-grade,have vigor,young,happy,healthy.
  2.The role of color in packaging design
  Experienced designers pay great attention to the role of color in packaging design,and pay attention to the physical,psychological and physiological effects of color on people.
  (1)Color affects the environment and mood
  Color composition starts from people's perception of color and psychological effect,and uses scientific analysis to acquire the psychological knowledge,physiological knowledge,physical knowledge and three elements of color,color contrast and harmony,etc.Packaging goods had the recognition,attraction,advertising good effect on graphics,text,color form in the display cabinet.Successful color composition,can improve the value of goods,expanding market,and to give consumers deep impression,cause good feelings,resulting in a desire,and the color composition,for the practical design,avoid subjectivity,blindness,raise colour attainments,mad a design can novel refined,special,is beneficial.
  (2)Color affects human physiology
  Different colors can cause different physiological responses.Hungarian scientists have conducted experiments in which blindfolded subjects were introduced into red,yellow and blue rooms.When they opened their eyes in the room,pulse rate was "faster,normal,slower".As we all know,the color system can be roughly divided into two color systems:cold and warm.The long wavelength of red light,orange light and yellow light give people a warm feeling.In contrast,shorter wavelengths of purple,blue,and green give the impression of cold.The physiological response that color makes the person produce does not come from the real situation in physics,but is concerned with people's visual and psychological association.
  In the design,function and aesthetics are two aspect of the same things,in which color is no longer an artistic style,it just reflects the aesthetic role in practical value,packaging design should be done before color overall planning,from the enterprise standard color,the function of the goods,the market competition of similar products,this attractive feature and plan of purpose,with the use of colour aesthetic regularity throughout,with rational to control color effects at the same time,don't ignore the color sensibility cognition experience,according to the experience of the designer personal aesthetic,produced by the color sense to explain the design ultimately reached perfection of color.
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  [2](Russia)Kandinsky,On the Spirit of Art.China Social Science Press,2017.
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