How to conduct vocabulary teaching through games.

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  In the process of learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one element that links the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing all together. How to make vocabulary teaching more effective? According to my teaching experience, it is efficient and effective to teach vocabulary through playing games. The method makes class activities interesting and practical, thus helping to reduce forgetting.
  Ⅱ.Traditional vocabulary teaching and learning
  ⒈Ways of traditional vocabulary teaching and learning
  Traditionally, vocabulary has not been a particularly subject for learners to learn, but has been taught within lessons of listening, speaking, reading and writing. During the lesson, students use their own vocabulary and are introduced to new words provided by the teacher and classmates which they apply to classroom activities. For many learners of English, they think about learning a list of new words with meaning in their native language without any real practice. Quite a number of learners may share the same experience of looking up words in bilingual dictionary to find their meanings or definitions when they encounter new words. They may even write down lines of new words without any idea of the real use of them to context.
  ⒉Disadvantages of traditional vocabulary teaching
  First, in traditional vocabulary teaching, words have been taught separately or by memorization without understanding, thus making the students remember or grasp the words only for a short time.
  Secondly, in traditional vocabulary teaching, it′s easy for students to get used to developing the habit of learning a list of new words with meanings in their native language without any real context.
  In general, the ways of learning caused by traditional vocabulary teaching is not a very effective way to study vocabulary. Decarrico(2001) states that words should not be learnt separately or by memorization without understanding. Moreover, “learning new words is a communicative process, with words enriched and established as they are met again.” Therefore, the “look and remember” way of vocabulary learning seems to be not very effective for learners of the English language.
  Ⅲ.The use of games in vocabulary teaching
  With the use of games, the teacher can create various contexts in which students have to use the language to communicate, exchange information and express their opinions. Huang (1996-1) comes to a conclusion that“learning through games could exchange the operation at certain psychological and intellectual factors, which could facilitate communication heightened self-esteem, motivation and spontaneity, reinforcing learning, improving intonation and building confidence.” Some experts have also figured out characteristics of games make vocabulary learning more effective. In addition, Uberman(1998) also affirms the helpful role of games in vocabulary teaching after quoting and analyzing different opinions of experts. Uberman observed the enthusiasm of her students in learning through games. She considers games a way to help students not only enjoy and entertain with the language they learn, but also practice it incidentally.   In summary, games are useful and effective tools that should be applied in vocabulary teaching. The use of vocabulary is a way to make the lessons more interesting, enjoyable and effective.
  Ⅳ.How to teach vocabulary through games?
  The situation in which vocabulary is taught through games-application of CLT approach.
  ⒈What is CLT approach?
  CLT is an approach that helps students be more active. In real life situation through the means of individual, pair and group work activities. It encourages students to practice the language they learn in meaningful ways. In a CLT classroom, playing vocabulary games is one of the activities which requires the students to actively communicate with their classmates using their own language. Therefore, it is necessary to explore whether students learn vocabulary effectively through games and how they learn it.
  ⒉The advantage of CLT approach
  In a CLT approach, listeners are required to take part in a number of meaning activities with different tasks. This is to improve learner’s communicative competence by encouraging them to be a part of the lesson. Many experts of language teaching methodology also agree that playing games is a good way to learn vocabulary, especially in CLT class.
  3.the process of teaching vocabulary through games
  First, during the process of preparation, the teacher plays a very important role. Before class, the teacher has to design the contents of the games which should be novel, interesting and not too difficult for the students to understand. Above all, the contents of the games must be closely connected with your teaching aim and serve your teaching aim. For example, when you teach vocabulary about things for everyday use like needle, paper, knife, pen and so on, you can write the words on some cards of which the other side are corresponding pictures. At the same time you had better design a discussion task in the process of which the students first take out some cards, and then they must discuss which thing for everyday use is more useful in the form of an argument. In this way, the students not only have learnt the words by heart through the game but also have practiced their oral English. In a word, teacher should design different contents according to different teaching aims. It depends on the teacher. Then during the process of carrying out, the teacher should act as both a director and supervisor. On one hand, the teacher should create an active, harmonious and interesting class atmosphere in which almost all the students show their interest and take an active part in playing games. On the other hand, the teacher must organize the task in an organized and perfect order without any discipline problem appearing. Finally, there is also a process of checking that can not be ignored. After playing games, I think it is necessary for the teacher to check if the students have remembered and grasped the words taught through games, and also check whether or not he or she has achieved the teaching aim. The teacher can check the students by reading, dictation, retelling and so on. The feed-back information of checking will help improve teaching in future. So teachers should pay more attention to checking stage, esp. in the process of teaching vocabulary through games.
  It is necessary to use the way of teaching vocabulary through playing games. It can arouse the students’ interest in study and make the students learn and grasp vocabulary in an easy and pleasant atmosphere. Besides, it is an effective way to help improve the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is really a way to combine education with fun.
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