有关注意缺损多动障碍的评估一直存在着生理 -心理学测评和学校心理学的行为评价的不同取向。本文分别介绍了生理 -心理学中对抑制功能的认知加工能力测评的取向和学校心理学中重视适应环境的行为水平的测评取向 ,指出了两种取向的优点和不足。并在整合两个取向的基础上 ,提出了新的评估注意力缺损多动障碍的理论模式。
Assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder There has been a different orientation in behavioral evaluation of psychophysiology-psychology and school psychology. This paper introduces respectively the orientation of assessment of cognitive processing ability of inhibition in physiology - psychology and the evaluation orientation of behavior psychology in environmental psychology, and points out the advantages and disadvantages of the two orientations. On the basis of integrating the two orientations, a new theoretical model for assessing ADHD is proposed.