玉米是我国和我区重要粮食作物之一,也是重要的饲料作物,栽培面积仅次于小麦。发展玉米,特别是发展高赖氨酸玉米生产,对提高粮食产量、质量和发展畜牧业,具有重大意义。 新疆农垦科学院从1979年起,开展高赖氨酸玉米的选育及其利用的研究,进行高赖氨酸玉米的自交系选育、杂交种选育和自交系繁殖与制种,已选育出高赖氨酸玉米新品系,并在农八师部分团场进行了猪的饲喂试验,取得了很好的效果。
Corn is one of the important grain crops in our country and our region, and also an important forage crop with the cultivated area second only to wheat. The development of corn, especially the development of high-lysine corn production, is of great significance to improving food production, quality and development of animal husbandry. Xinjiang Academy of Land Reclamation since 1979, to carry out high-lysine corn breeding and utilization of high-lysine corn inbred lines breeding, breeding and inbred breeding hybrids and seed production has been Breeding of new high-lysine corn lines, and part of the farm eight division of pig feeding experiments, and achieved good results.