网上流传我调查大学生处女率纯属误传。我在1989年的确做过一个北京市随机抽样调查,当时发现有过婚前性行为的人在样本中占1 5%。换言之,婚前“处女率”为85%。“处女率”之所以如此之高是因为样本的年龄跨度为30岁至80岁。老辈人中将童贞保持到结婚的比例还
Spread online I investigated the virgin rate of college students is purely false. I did a random sample survey of Beijing in 1989 when I found 15% of the people who had had premarital sex. In other words, premarital “virgin rate” is 85%. “Virgin rate ” is so high because the samples span the age of 30 to 80 years. The elders will keep their virginity to the proportion of marriage also