当夜幕降临在黄土高原,群山环抱的延炼却是一幅“火树银花不夜天”的图画,那高耸入云熊熊燃烧的火炬,仿佛绽放在苍穹的礼花,错落有致的炼油塔,鳞次栉比的高楼,密如蛛网的管道,飞珠溅玉的喷泉,组成了一曲沸腾生活的交响乐。 17年前,一块“延安炼油厂易地改建工程筹建处”的简易牌子挂在了洛川县交口河的一棵树枝杈上,延炼就像一个贫寒人家的孩子,
When the night falls on the Loess Plateau, the extension of the mountains is a picture of “a golden night of fireworks,” a towering towering torch that seems to bloom in the firmament, scattered oil towers and rows of High-rise, densely cobwebbed pipes, flying jade splashed fountains, formed a song of boiling symphony of life. Seventeen years ago, a simple sign of “Preparatory Office of Yan’an Refinery Redevelopment Project” was hung on a branch of a tree at Jiao Kou River, Luochuan County. The extension of Lianzhai was like a child from a poor family,