Whether Females are Facing Harsher Judgements than Males in The Society

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  Are Chinese female more easily blamed than male because of transgressions? To find the answer of this question, we designed an experiment. The hypothesis was:women are more constrained by social norms than men in China. Chinese have clear expectations to how people should act, and norms apply to women. However, perhaps these expectations might be mitigated when Chinese go abroad and exposed to more culturally looser countries. Moreover, these effects might increase with the longer exposure. In this experiment, we compare people’s attitudes to identical men and women behavior. We mainly hypothesis that (1) There is Greater exception of conformity for women and strevter judgement against women in China. (a) Students study in a culturally looser country have less gender bias toward women. (b) Longer time abroad (in a culturally looser country) mitigate gender bias toward women. (2) Chinese language promotes the formation of expectations to women’s behaviors.
  Nowadays feminism becomes increasingly popular. Although the public always emphasis the importance of equal rights through taking the advantage of feminism, in countries all around the world, the opinion that women are inferior to men still roots people’s mind, this gender bias is a serious problem in these countries, especially in China, a culturally tight country. Some Chinese impose much stricter constraint on women than men. In some foreign countres, for example, America females are freer than Chinese females. Does the culture differences cause the distinction of attitudes toward female? Do women have gender discrimination to themselves? Can gender bias be mitigated though exposed to a looser culture? This survey is going to figure out these questions.
  Literature Review
  “Does Language Shape Thought? Mandarin and English Speakers’ Conceptions of Time” by Lera Boroditsky talks about various languages may decide people’s thoughts. Language is also very significant in this study. Language is the system of communication in speaking and writing that is used by people of a particular country or area. Borodisky concludes that(1) Language is a powerful tool in shaping thought about abstract domains and (2) one’s native language plays an important role in shaping habitual thought but does not entirely determine one’s thinking in the strong Whorfian sense. The first conclusion promote one of the hypothesis that Chinese language make people expecting women’s behaviors. In Boroditsky’s study, Chinese are more likely to think time in a vertical way instead of a horizontal way, because Mandarin tends to describe time in a vertical way. Likely, in Chinese language, there are tons of phrases that instruct women’s behavior, for instance, san cong si de, xian qi liang mu and jia ji Sui ji. So Chinese language may be a factor that leads expectation of women’s behaviors. This study is going to confirm and develop Boroditsky’s conclusion further. In this study, we are going to see whether different language can affect people’s expectation toward women.   “Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study.” By Michele J. Gelfand. This paper talks about the level of tightness in 33 countries. Tightness is related to social norm. If people in a country are expected to do something proper, the country is culturally tight. Norm is a situation or a pattern of behavior that is usual or expected. China’s tightness score is 7.9 which is relatively high compare to other countries like the United States with a tightness score of 5.1. This shows that in China, People are more likely to be imposed on expectation and constrains. “Nations that have encountered ecological and historical threatening have much stronger norms and lower tolerance of deviant behavior. Tight nations have higher populations density in the year 1500 in the year 2000 in the nation. (Michele Gelfand, 2011)” These two conditions really fit in China’s situation. Anti Japanese War broke out in China, and this war hurt China society and Chinese a lot.
  (1) Females and males may have different judgement on transgressions.
  (2) There is Greater exception of conformity for women and hasher judgement against women in China.
  (a) Students study in a culturally looser country has less gender bias toward women.
  (b) Longer time abroad (in a culturally looser country) mitigate gender bias toward women.
  (3) Chinese and English language affects people’s thoughts about transgression.
  (4) Children’s parents’ occupation affect Children’s attitude toward different transgression.
  (5) Chinese and American hold different strong behavior constraints in certain situations.
  Students are asked about their parents’ occupation. Through this, we are able to judge whether family background will influence a child’s attitudes toward female transgressors. Students are asked about gender and education background. So, we can get to know whether gender and foreign culture have influence on students’ gender bias toward women.
  In this study, we found that:
  (1) Gender difference has a little influence on people’s judgment on transgression. It’s true that female may face more judgment when they transgress, but the distinction is not so significant, but there are still some interesting findings: females tend to have more judgment on a person who cheat on an exam more than males do. (p < 0.015).
  (2) Language shapes people’s thoughts. When people answer Chinese version survey, they are harsher to people who are aggressive and argumentative. However, people who answer English version survey tend to be loose to argumentative people (p < 0.019).   (3) A child whose father has full-time job prone to have more judgment on “loudspeakers” in public places (P < 0.05). However, a child whose mother has full-time job is looser to people who speak loudly in the public (P < 0.038). This is probably because to be successful in workplaces, males and females choose different ways to improve their power, and try to make themselves potent. Men opt to make use of their physical advantageous, such as strong body and height. However, shorter and weaker females lack physical advantageous, so they have no choice but to increase the volume and make they look powerful and strong.
  1. Reflect the problem of gender bias exists in China’s Society, although it is not very obvious. Also, gender bias is a cross culture problem.
  2. It will help women in China identify their status clearly, and encourage them to fight for a more equal society.
  3. This study implies Chinese that the behavior constraints exist in all cultures. Some constraints are especially strong in certain situation in some culture.
  Follow up Study:
  For future research, people can focus on the characteristics of culture that are especially tight to women. Also, through studying those characteristics, solutions and methods can be found to solve gender discrimination. Moreover, maybe young generations have opener and more tolerant thoughts. On the contrary, elders may be harsher to female transgressors because the opinion that women are inferior to men roots in their mind deeply. This topic is also worthy to study.
“留学行业诚信危机”、“上海卓识成就与武汉谨德教育两家机构之间发生了不良竞争”、“这是一种没有底线的行径”……这些词汇已经成为过去时了。当我们冷静下来时,我们是否想过,这个行业为什么会发生这样的事件?我们在未来的道路上应如何避免类似事件的发生?当此事已不再是人们茶余饭后的谈资时,或许我们应该思忖的,应该是这个行业的发展之道。  记者_风火轮设计_李阳  CIS事件引起了留学行业从业人士的关注。20
“中国正在出现集中爆发式的人力资源发展趋势。这些趋势将影响到企业未来的竞争力。”  -某跨国公司人力资源高级总监  中国正在出现集中爆发式的人力资源发展趋势。比如,外国公司进入中国市场后与中国企业争夺顶级人才;由家族式管理变为职业经理人管理;提升中层管理人员的领导才能和管理技能等,这些趋势将影响到企业未来的竞争力。  因此,为了深入了解高层次人才需求,帮助政府及用人单位吸引和保留优秀人才,朝阳海外
作为老牌留学大国,加拿大的高质量教育、双语环境和移民政策吸引着一批又一批的中国学生。作为此次参展机构数量最多的国家,加拿大留学态势如何?本文对此进行分析解读。  2018年的中国国际教育展,加拿大延续了2017年作为主宾国的强大声势,80多家加拿大各级各类教育机构和相关服务机构悉数到位。  加拿大驻华大使Honoueable John McCallum在2018年2月接受《留学》杂志专访时说道:“
There has long existed a misunderstanding for many people that the relationship between Sinic culture and Hsiung-nu was constantly hostile. However, the prosperity of the Silk Road, the management of
去年3·15的时候,我在这个相同的板块,写了“留学界的假”一文。本期,我想聊聊留学界的真。  另有一个日子于此时巧合,那就是了《留学》迎来了它的整一百期。激动之余,我就从《留学》本身,来聊聊留学界的真。  留学界的真,真在它的时势使然。教育是永恒的朝阳产业,而留学则是朝阳中的朝阳。我可以用长达几万字的数据来佐证此观点,那些都在《留学》一百期的过刊中,君可自行查阅。我在此想要表达的,是无论我们曾经发
2015年10月上旬,北京中加学校派出由该校执行校长田振周、圆方指导教师黄嫄及六名学生代表组成的代表团,前往新加坡参加为期一周的圆方世界组织国际会议。  圆方世界组织是一个全球学校联盟组织,其成员包括了世界范围内的上百所著名学校。作为圆方世界组织在中国的第一所全球成员校,北京中加学校自2012年加入该组织以来,即致力于将以圆方的六大支柱理念,即国际理解、民主观念、环保意识、冒险精神、领导才能、服务
国际化视野的获得,知识、见识、眼界的同步开阔,促使越来越多的中国学生选择出国留学。每年的中国国际教育展,为中国学生和家长提供了一个与众多外国高校面对面交流、更直观地获得留学信息的绝佳平台。作为主办机构,中国教育国际交流协会希望可以搭建一个双向交流平台,让中国高等教育也可以越来越多地“走出去”。  编辑_李不二供图_沈雪松设计_杜亚娜  一年一度的中国国际教育展,筹备工作目前已经接近尾声。作为中国留
从首批国家资格认证资质的获取,到教育博覽会的主办、率先通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,再到成为留学行业首家荣获中国消费者协会3.15标志信誉认证的企业,发展中的金吉列,似乎总是勇于做“第一个吃螃蟹”的企业。如今,在鱼龙混杂的留学服务市场上,金吉列留学更多的,也是在扮演着“领头羊”的角 色。  留学行业发展多年,如今早已是机构林立,品牌众多。作为留学界的佼佼者,金吉列留学凭借其规模和业务量,
朝阳区“凤凰计划”海外高层次人才的申请条件明确规定,申请者除了要有在海外取得硕士及以上学位,还要有5年及以上海外工作经验;对于博士学位,工作经验要求放宽至2年。此外,对申请者还有在海外的高校、科研机构、政府机构、国际组织、跨国公司中有中高级职务的要求。  “凤凰计划要吸引高端人才,海外教育背景只是申报该计划的最低门槛。我们在选择候选人的时候,更加看重申请者是否在某一特定领域、某一行业有所建树,自身
对于习惯聚焦英美留学国的中国学生来说,位于欧洲西海岸的岛国—爱尔兰似乎还有些眼生。殊不知,爱尔兰看似不显山露水,却是个名副其实的实力派。  大学整体位居全球高校前5%的排名,欧洲经济增长率第一的发展势头,“欧洲硅谷”光环下的各大跨国公司基地,以及低廉的留学费用,这些优势让爱尔兰在众多主流国家中脱颖而出,成为一个高性价比的留学目的国。仅在2015年,申请留学爱尔兰的中国学生数量就比2014年增长了2