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奉华东军政委员会民政部民优字第四六三号指令节开:「一、民兵民工因支前参战或配合部队、公安部队剿匪致成残废者,本部会与财政部洽商,在中央人民政府政务院未颁布办法前,可暂按华东区荣军优抚条例第三条规定,评定残废等级,依下列规定进行抚恤:(1)特等残废每年发给食米六五○市斤,供给终身。(2)一等残废每年发给食米五○○市斤,供给终身。(3)二等甲级残废每年发给食米四五○市斤,二年后减半供给。(4)二等乙级残废每年发给食米三○○市斤,二年后减半供给。(5)三等甲级残废一次发给食米三○○市斤。(6)三等乙级残废一次发给食米二○○市斤。此项标准可自一九五○年下半年开始执行,特、一、二等残废应与荣军同时发放抚恤,于每年的一、七月份分期发给。至于民兵民工抚恤证,可由省府参照荣军抚恤证式样统一制定临时性的抚恤证件,以资应用,上半年未抚恤者,应根据过去你省颁发之标准补发之。二、民兵民工牺牲抚恤标准,在尚未有统一标准前可仍按过去你省规完标准进行抚恤」等因,除转令各级政府遵照执行外,并根据本省情况作以下补充规定:一、荣誉民兵民工之抚恤,凡五○年上半年未予抚恤者,可照一九四九年八月四日山东省人民政府关于民兵民工牺牲伤残抚恤标准,按原残废 Following the instruction of No. 463 Minyouzi of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the East China Military and Political Bureau, this article was opened: “First, migrant workers of militiamen have negotiated with the Ministry of Finance for the suppression of banditry and handicapped troops and public security forces, Before the government and the State Council have promulgated the measures, they may temporarily assess the grade of the handicapped according to the provisions of Article 3 of the ”Regulations on Incentives for Inferior Army of East China Region" and grant the following subsidies according to the following provisions: (1) 2) First-class handicap will be distributed annually to 500 kilograms of rice for life. (3) Class A disability will be given to 450 kilograms of rice annually, and halved after two years. (4) Second-class Grade B crimples are distributed annually to 300 kilos of rice and will be halved after two years. (5) Grade III cribs will be delivered to rice kilograms at a rate of 300 kilograms once. (6) This standard can be implemented from the second half of 1950, and special, first and second-degree disability should be paid in parallel with the Invalides, which will be issued in installments in January and July of each year. Militia workers pension card, by the provincial government with reference to the style of military compassionate pension card uniform development of a temporary pension certificate, In the first half of the year, those who are not pampered shall be re-issued according to the standards issued by your province in the past.Second, if the militiamen sacrifice the standard of compassionate pension, So that all levels of government comply with the implementation, and in accordance with the conditions of the province to make the following additional provisions: First, the honorary militia migrant workers, who do not receive pensions in the first half of 1950 may be as the people of Shandong Province on August 4, 1949 The government sacrifices disability pension standards for migrant workers, according to the original disability
[摘 要]初中化学新课标对化学学习提出了新的要求,强调培养学生的学习品质和积极主动的学习态度;关注学生的学习兴趣和经验;倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手。初中化学新课标的理念是“促进每个学生全面而有个性的发展”的理念、“课程整合”的理念、“教学民主”的理念。这一系列的要求,对我们教师在教学实施方面提出了许多新的挑战和新的期待。所以,教师要善于挖掘教材中的材料,培养学生自主探究品质。  [关键词
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