近年来,我国煤矿重特大安全事故频频发生,伤亡人数之多,经济损失之重,负面效应之大是历史上少见的。以去年上半年为例,据国家安全生产监督管理局统计,全国煤矿共发生特大事故28起,死亡579人。国有煤矿特大事故明显增多,特别是鸡西局城子河煤矿“6.20”特大瓦斯事故,死亡竟达115人。而一些地方小矿事故更是接二连三地发生,在社会上造成了极坏的影响。 面对如此严峻的安全生产形势,认真分析近年来煤矿安全事故频发的原因,找出它的症结所在,吸取其血的教训,采取强有力的对策措施,对于我们抓好当前和今后的煤矿安全生产和事故防范,促进改革发展和稳定大局,有着十分重要的意义。
In recent years, China’s coal mines serious accidents have occurred frequently, the number of casualties, the heavy economic losses, the negative effect of large rare in history. Take the first half of last year as an example, according to the statistics of the State Administration of Work Safety, 28 major accidents occurred in the coal mines in the country and 579 people died. Significant increase in state-owned coal mine accidents, especially in Jixi Chengzihe coal mine “6.20” large gas accident, as many as 115 people were killed. In some places, small-scale mine accidents happen one after another, causing extremely bad social effects. Faced with such a severe situation of safety in production, we have carefully analyzed the causes of frequent accidents in coal mines in recent years, identified the crux of the accident, learned the lessons of its blood and adopted powerful countermeasures. As we are well aware of the current and future coal mines It is of great significance to guard against production safety and accidents, promote reform and development and stabilize the overall situation.