The application of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet and cloud services, has given birth to platform-based enterprises and platform economy. For the development of a platform-based enterprise, how the government can further provide better services, especially the optimization of policies and service environment, has more work to do. In the early summer of this year, Chongqing Longgu Machinery Co., Ltd. obtained a loan of 200,000 yuan through e-commerce financing, while the platform for providing Internet financial services to the company was a “more than one” (www.ebdoor.com) Integrated marketing “one-stop ” e-commerce service platform. And Fan Zong, from Shanghai Zaibao Industrial Co., Ltd., who also benefited from the “more than one” network integration and Internet financial services, said with emotion: "We have been following the more than one business opportunity since 2008 Po cooperation, for our company has brought a lot of business opportunities. ’More than one’ one-stop e-commerce hosting services, trustworthy!