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  Compared with some European countries like France, Spanish and Italy, Greek wine is quite a stranger to our Chinese, though some are sold in China.
  “Real Taste Great Living”
  International "Kerasma" Conference on Greek Gastronomy and Food, Wine and Spirits Industry Partenariat was held in Athens, Greece at the end of 2008. The conference is one of the most influential exhibitions in Food Industry in Greece. This third conference, with the slogan of “Real Taste Great Living”, gathered more than 100 promising companies from lines of food and wine.
  It took four years to relay the Olympic torch from Athens to Beijing. However, we only took less than 14 hours from Beijing to Athens, including connecting flight in Tashkent. We arrived in Athens on November 30th,And then, we started full touch with Greek wines.
  The Unique Greek Wine
   Mr. Panagiotis Papastavrou, in charge of the organizers HEPO (Hellenic Foreign Trade Board) introduced us the characteristics of Greek wines. In his view, the most obvious feature of Greek wine is its rich breeds. and this breed is more different from those in other countries.Its breed is similar to Burgundy in France except for the technics to some extent.
   It can be found that there are much more Greek white wines than Greek dry red wines in the exhibition hall. Moreover, the prices of Greek dry red wines are more expensive. The retail€13 price is only intermediate in Greece. In fact, the white wines like Assyritiko, Athiri and Roditis are brewed by the autochthonic grapes in Greece. Also they are always the best wines and have special taste. Over the years, the most popular Greek wine is always B1anc de Blanc which is a mixed brewing wine by Sauvignon, Uqni Blanc, Roditi and Athiri.
  The unique character of Greek wines is the grapes they use. Thanks to the natural geographical advantages, Greek wines have distinguished features. In Greek vineyards, there are few grape trellises. Instead, grape vines crawl on the ground. Also due to the sunny, hot and dry weather, the vines have no choice except keeping themselves on the ground to makes full use of the natural moisture. Another advantage of ground-creeping vines is that grapes can fully absorb the sunshine which can make the dry grapes have higher sugar content. By using the oke tuns for fermenting, the grapes with higher suger make the taste of alcohol much stronger, and also improve the quality of the wines.
   Though Greek producers convinced that the prospect of Greek wines lies in the unique grape breeds, still they have introduced a lot of the European grape breeds such as Cabernet, Syrah and Merlot, for the purpose of obtaining top-grade red wines. Acting on the Greek’s climate, these breeds have some differences in character, compared with those in other places.
   In the afternoon, the journalist tasted some wines recommended by some famous Greek enterprises in Tasting Center. The most impressive wine is Moschofilero Boutari 2007 recommended by the Boutari, which is more suitable for the palate of Chinese people. It has a natural rose and orange flavor with a balanced sweet and tart taste. When the wine hits the back palate, it becomes thicker and the taste lasts for a long time. It is very suitable for seafood, cheese and fruit.
   Boutari is one of the most popular Greek wines. It has seven vineries in different areas of the country. For its products are sold in many cities around the world, including Beijing and Shanghai, Boutari is the only one enterprise that has the Chinese document in the whole exhibition center.
  Greek Night
  Greek Night was a large banquet for celebrating the successful closure of the meeting which was hosted in a famous hotel--Athenaeum intercontinental on December 1.
  The aperitif wine in banquet was anisette. In fact, the Greek anisette is also famous in Europe. The Greek anisette appears to be transparent. However, if you add ice into it and then shake it, the anisette will become milky white. Its scene is very magical.
   It is necessary to have red wine for dinners. It was a pity that I haven’t taken photos of the labels of the wine I drank that day. Generally speaking, the red wine was not complex, but with a strong hint of tannin. It belongs to upper level of red wines in Greece. Maybe because of different grapes breeds, the whole prices of red wines are higher in Greece than in other counties. Therefore, most of the guests in the banquet enjoyed white wine that day.
  The highlight in the dinner was the performance. The sponsor did not arrange professional and special shows, but all belonged to spontaneous dance which revealed passionate character of Greeks.
6月20日,第九届中部糖酒商品交易会暨首届中部进口酒展在河南漯河落下帷幕。据大会组委会不完全统计,本届交易会在三天会期吸引了5000名采购商、经销商与500多家国内外知名参展企业进行对接洽谈,签订采购合同总成交额达到22.6亿元,规模之大已使中部糖酒商品交易会跃升为全国第二大区域性行业展会。    迈上新台阶  据记者了解,中部糖酒商品交易会始于2002年,由中国食品工业协会、中国酿酒工业协会、中
经济层面或许更加严峻  危巢之下,安有完卵?中国啤酒业作为中国和世界现代经济体系的一分子,所得到和受到影响的深度、广度从目前来讲是前所未有。在此环境中,啤酒业不得不去思考一个关系到我们自己切身利益的关键问题,那就是随着华尔街风暴不断蔓延和深入,中国啤酒业是不是还有可能做到独善其身?怎样去保护和保护好自己?  另外,与国际大环境下的企业裁员不谋而合的是,我国就业形势造成的员工失业已波及到整个啤酒业。
刚刚过去的2008年,对中国社会而言,是令人印象深刻的一年。在改革开放30年的大背景下,在全球金融危机带来的经济低迷时期,中国的经济尤其引人关注。   中国酒业也深切感受到了来自经济、政治、文化等各个方面的变化对行业发展所带来的影响。仔细回顾2008年,我们会发现,“解百纳事件”、“金融危机对中国酒业的影响”、“酒业奥运营销”、“进口葡萄酒热潮”、“5·12地震对中国酒业的影响”、“白酒洞藏热”、
我叫李天九,在北京经营一家颇具规模且小有名气的酒类商贸公司,这是我的2008故事。  春节前碰到雪灾,公司基本没受多大影响,只有部分发往广州的货耽误了时间。不过,由于白酒拼命涨价,我的春节还算好过,该发的奖金都发了,但员工们放假回来说的最多的一句就是:钱有点儿不值钱了。  成都糖酒会收获不小,2007年底,我们公司和国内一家知名企业联合开发了一款产品,上马有点仓促,但还是受到了经销商的欢迎,知名企
天津何夫人国际贸易有限公司(以下简称“何夫人”)创立于1994年,由开始单一的生产桶装矿泉水、纯净水发展到代理销售全球优秀进口酒水;由单一直销零售逐步发展到面向全国669个城市发展分销商及特许经营何夫人进口酒水专卖超市。在记者对其董事长何树文先生采访之时,正值何夫人进口酒水北京世贸天阶店新近开业。    品质第一品牌第二营销第三  何夫人早在2001年就引进了德国葡萄酒,算是中国较早涉足葡萄酒行业
总体来说,金融危机的爆发,虽然对行业的增速有所影响,但预计整体形势应好于其他多数行业。不过,未来金融危机仍然在加剧,不确定因素依然存在,那么2009年的中国葡萄酒市场将会走向何方?     一是经济放缓减弱不了葡萄酒消费激情,2009市场前景依然看好。  2009年葡萄酒发展环境虽然不会好于往年,但对葡萄酒的影响不会太大,葡萄酒市场前景依然看好,仍将维持快速增长的良好势头。尽管,中国经济发展将有所
亚洲葡萄酒市场的潜力不容小视,中国成了新兴市场中备受瞩目的部分。香港酒类行业协会数据显示,以主要红酒交易平台伦敦为例,每年93亿港元的红酒销售额中,有四成是以来自中国内地及香港的买家创造的。最明显的例子是波尔多五大顶级酒庄之一的拉菲由于受到中国富豪的偏爱,目前的价格已经高出了其他酒庄。这种强势购买力所引发的连带波动,甚至让全世界最权威的葡萄酒作家、评论家,英国人Jancis Robinson给自己
近年来,我国国民经济持续发展,消费日趋理性,“少喝酒,喝好酒”的消费观念正被更多的人所接受。另一方面,巨额利润的驱使,使得白酒品牌的高端之争愈演愈烈。  面对这种形势,各大酒企纷纷出新,欲以差异化搏击市场。据相关专家介绍,近年来,虽然酒水业出了不少“创新”,但实际上是炒作者多,真正务实到技术品质层面者少;跟风者多,检验标准者少;怀疑者越来越多,消费者越来越少。  就在各大酒企觉得已经把酒的各种文化
1.这个冬天有多冷?   究竟冬天有多冷,2009年可能会得到一个答案。综合看来,专家们对于金融危机对中国酒行业造成的影响还是抱有一个谨慎乐观的态度。2009年,我们在关心酒企业如何取暖的同时,也更关心,这个冬天会不会杀死更多病毒,让中国酒业更加健康。  2. 09年白酒行业炒什么?   自2001年以来,中国白酒行业几乎是一年一个概念,2009年,中国白酒炒什么?是储藏工艺继续升温还是另有新概念