免疫机制参与了肾小球的损伤这一观点已被广泛接受。近年来电子显微镜的广泛应用和免疫荧光技术及免疫化学技术的发展促进了对肾小球肾炎免疫病理学的研究。目前将肾小球肾炎分为两大类不同免疫病理类型:抗肾小球基底膜抗体型;免疫复合物型。前者占肾小球肾炎的5~7%,后者占肾小球肾炎的70~80%。近年来,对免疫复合物(Immune Complex,简称IC)在肾小球肾炎发病中的作用的研究较多并取得了一定的进展。
The idea that immune mechanisms are involved in glomerular damage has been widely accepted. In recent years, the widespread use of electron microscopy and immunofluorescence technology and the development of immunochemical techniques to promote the immune pathology of glomerulonephritis. At present, glomerulonephritis is divided into two categories of different immunopathological types: anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody type; immune complex type. The former accounted for 5 to 7% of glomerulonephritis, the latter accounted for 70 to 80% of glomerulonephritis. In recent years, the immune complex (Immune Complex, referred to as IC) in the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis more research and made some progress.