Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon in Three Kinds of Brown Soil in Qufu City
LIU Huafeng et al(Shandong Geological Survey Institute, Jinan, Shandong 250013)
AbstractThe organic carbon of brown soil under three land use types was studied in Yukou Village from 2010 to 2012. The results show that the surface soil organic carbon content and carbon density is: arable land> fallow> wasteland. Farming way is the main reason for the high content and organic carbon density in arable land. Compared with other domestic research, surface soil organic carbon density in the test area is at the general level status, and soil organic carbon in longterm stable state in the test zone. The initial stages of the fallow soil organic carbon content decreased, wasteland organic carbon fluctuated irregularly. Soil organic carbon is significantly associated with these indicators such as As which is under the impact of human activities.
Key wordsQufu City; Brown soil zone; Soil organic carbon; Land use types
1.1研究区概况棕壤试验区位于山东省曲阜市吴村镇峪口东村,地理范围为E 117°00′26.6″~117°00′28.2″, N 35°45′41.2″~35°45′50.0″。地质背景为第四系山前组,地貌类型为平原,气候为温暖带大陆性季风气候,年平均气温13.6 ℃,年平均降水量666 mm。社会经济以农业生产和旅游为主,耕作方式为一年两季,秋玉米与夏小麦轮作。
[1] KONONOVA M M.Soil prganic matter,it’s nature,it’s role in soil formation and in fertility [M].London:Perganon Press,1964:5220.
[2] 邓方刚,吴蔚东,陈明智,等.土地利用方式及母质对土壤有机碳的影响[J].生态环境,2008,17(3):1130-1134.
[3] DORAN J W,JONES A J,ARSHAD M A,et al.Determinants of soil quality and health:Soil quality and soil erosion [M].Boca Raton:CRC Press,1999:17-36.
[4] LAL R,LOGAN T J,FAUSEY N R.Long term tillage effects on Mollic Ochraqualf in northwestern Ohio soil nutrient profile [J].Soil Tillage Research,1990,15:371-382. [5] TRUJILLO W,AMEZQUITA E,FISHER M J,et al.Soil organic carbon dynamics and land use in the Colobian savannas I,aggregate size distribution[M]//LAL R.Soil processes and the carbon cycle.Boca Raton:CRC Press,1997:267-280.
[6] KARLEN D L,ROSEK M J,GARDNER J C,et al.Conservation reserve program effects on soil quality in dicators [J ].Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,1999,54(1):439-444.
[7] JEFFEY E H,MICHELLE M W.Relationship s between soil organic carbonand soil quality in cropped and range land soils:the importantce of distribution,composition and soil biological activity[M]//LAL R.Soilp rocesses and the carbon cycle.Boca Raton:CRC Press,1997:405-425.
[8] 奚小環,杨忠芳,夏学齐,等.基于多目标区域地球化学调查的中国土壤碳储量计算方法研究[J].地学前缘,2009,16(1):194-205.
[9] 姜勇,庄新丽,梁文举,等.农田生态系统土壤有机碳库及其影响因子[J].生态学杂志,2007,26(2):278-285.
[10] 王绍强,周成虎,李克让,等.中国土壤有机碳库及空间分布特征分析[J].地理学报,2000,55(5):533-544.
[11] 许泉,芮雯奕,何航,等.不同利用方式下中国农田土壤有机碳密度特征及区域差异[J].中国农业科学,2006,39(12):2505-2510.
[12] 于东升,史学正,孙维侠,等.基于100万土壤数据库的中国土壤有机碳密度及储量研究[J].应用生态学报,2005,16(21):2279-2283.
[13] 王小利,段建军,郭胜利.黄土丘陵区小流域表层土壤的有机碳密度及其空间分布[J].西北农林科技大学学报,2007,35(10):98-102.
[14] 于建军,杨锋,吴克宁,等.河南土壤有机碳储量及空间分布[J].应用生态学报,2008,19(5):1058-1063.
[15] 张保华,张金萍,刘子亭,等.山东省土壤有机碳密度和储量估算[J].土壤通报,2008,39(5):1030-1033.
[16] 周莉,李保国,周广胜.土壤有机碳的主导影响因子及其研究进展[J].地球科学进展,2005(1):99-105.
[17] ANDERSON D W,COLEMAN D C.The dynamics of organic matter in grassland soils[J].Journal of Soil and Water Cons,1985,40:211-216.
[18] JANZEN H H,CAMPBELL C A,GREGORICH E G,et al.Soil carbon dynamics in Canadian agroecosystems [M]//LAL R.Soil Processes and the Carbon Cycle.Boca Raton:CRC Press,1997:57- 80.
[19] LAL R,FOLLETT R F,KIMBLE J,et al.Management U.S.cropland to sequester carbon in soil[J].Journal of Soil and Water Cons,1999,54(1):374-381.
[20] SIX,JOGLES M,BREITF J,et al.The potential to mitigate global warming with netillage management is only realized when practiced in the long term [J].Global Change Biology,2004,10:155-160.
Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon in Three Kinds of Brown Soil in Qufu City
LIU Huafeng et al(Shandong Geological Survey Institute, Jinan, Shandong 250013)
AbstractThe organic carbon of brown soil under three land use types was studied in Yukou Village from 2010 to 2012. The results show that the surface soil organic carbon content and carbon density is: arable land> fallow> wasteland. Farming way is the main reason for the high content and organic carbon density in arable land. Compared with other domestic research, surface soil organic carbon density in the test area is at the general level status, and soil organic carbon in longterm stable state in the test zone. The initial stages of the fallow soil organic carbon content decreased, wasteland organic carbon fluctuated irregularly. Soil organic carbon is significantly associated with these indicators such as As which is under the impact of human activities.
Key wordsQufu City; Brown soil zone; Soil organic carbon; Land use types
1.1研究区概况棕壤试验区位于山东省曲阜市吴村镇峪口东村,地理范围为E 117°00′26.6″~117°00′28.2″, N 35°45′41.2″~35°45′50.0″。地质背景为第四系山前组,地貌类型为平原,气候为温暖带大陆性季风气候,年平均气温13.6 ℃,年平均降水量666 mm。社会经济以农业生产和旅游为主,耕作方式为一年两季,秋玉米与夏小麦轮作。
[1] KONONOVA M M.Soil prganic matter,it’s nature,it’s role in soil formation and in fertility [M].London:Perganon Press,1964:5220.
[2] 邓方刚,吴蔚东,陈明智,等.土地利用方式及母质对土壤有机碳的影响[J].生态环境,2008,17(3):1130-1134.
[3] DORAN J W,JONES A J,ARSHAD M A,et al.Determinants of soil quality and health:Soil quality and soil erosion [M].Boca Raton:CRC Press,1999:17-36.
[4] LAL R,LOGAN T J,FAUSEY N R.Long term tillage effects on Mollic Ochraqualf in northwestern Ohio soil nutrient profile [J].Soil Tillage Research,1990,15:371-382. [5] TRUJILLO W,AMEZQUITA E,FISHER M J,et al.Soil organic carbon dynamics and land use in the Colobian savannas I,aggregate size distribution[M]//LAL R.Soil processes and the carbon cycle.Boca Raton:CRC Press,1997:267-280.
[6] KARLEN D L,ROSEK M J,GARDNER J C,et al.Conservation reserve program effects on soil quality in dicators [J ].Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,1999,54(1):439-444.
[7] JEFFEY E H,MICHELLE M W.Relationship s between soil organic carbonand soil quality in cropped and range land soils:the importantce of distribution,composition and soil biological activity[M]//LAL R.Soilp rocesses and the carbon cycle.Boca Raton:CRC Press,1997:405-425.
[8] 奚小環,杨忠芳,夏学齐,等.基于多目标区域地球化学调查的中国土壤碳储量计算方法研究[J].地学前缘,2009,16(1):194-205.
[9] 姜勇,庄新丽,梁文举,等.农田生态系统土壤有机碳库及其影响因子[J].生态学杂志,2007,26(2):278-285.
[10] 王绍强,周成虎,李克让,等.中国土壤有机碳库及空间分布特征分析[J].地理学报,2000,55(5):533-544.
[11] 许泉,芮雯奕,何航,等.不同利用方式下中国农田土壤有机碳密度特征及区域差异[J].中国农业科学,2006,39(12):2505-2510.
[12] 于东升,史学正,孙维侠,等.基于100万土壤数据库的中国土壤有机碳密度及储量研究[J].应用生态学报,2005,16(21):2279-2283.
[13] 王小利,段建军,郭胜利.黄土丘陵区小流域表层土壤的有机碳密度及其空间分布[J].西北农林科技大学学报,2007,35(10):98-102.
[14] 于建军,杨锋,吴克宁,等.河南土壤有机碳储量及空间分布[J].应用生态学报,2008,19(5):1058-1063.
[15] 张保华,张金萍,刘子亭,等.山东省土壤有机碳密度和储量估算[J].土壤通报,2008,39(5):1030-1033.
[16] 周莉,李保国,周广胜.土壤有机碳的主导影响因子及其研究进展[J].地球科学进展,2005(1):99-105.
[17] ANDERSON D W,COLEMAN D C.The dynamics of organic matter in grassland soils[J].Journal of Soil and Water Cons,1985,40:211-216.
[18] JANZEN H H,CAMPBELL C A,GREGORICH E G,et al.Soil carbon dynamics in Canadian agroecosystems [M]//LAL R.Soil Processes and the Carbon Cycle.Boca Raton:CRC Press,1997:57- 80.
[19] LAL R,FOLLETT R F,KIMBLE J,et al.Management U.S.cropland to sequester carbon in soil[J].Journal of Soil and Water Cons,1999,54(1):374-381.
[20] SIX,JOGLES M,BREITF J,et al.The potential to mitigate global warming with netillage management is only realized when practiced in the long term [J].Global Change Biology,2004,10:155-160.