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  The year of 1993 was a critical year not only for China-U.S. relations, but also for me. As soon as I assumed my new post of Chinese Ambassador to the United States that year, I faced a major challenge. The then newly elected U.S. President Bill Clinton adopted a tough stance against China, threatening to abolish the United States’ most-favored-nation treatment of China if the latter would not make concessions over the so-called human rights issues.
  The Clinton administration also caused other troubles in China-U.S. relations. The U.S. Navy warships tailed after a Chinese cargo ship and interfered in its sailing in international waters from late July to August. Washington alleged the ship was carrying chemical weapons to Iran, an allegation that was later proved false and groundless. Washington also encouraged members of the U.S. Congress in opposing Beijing’s bid to host the Olympic Games in 2000.
  In contrast with the Clinton administration’s hardline policy on China, however, state governments in the United States preferred to strengthen connections with China in order to improve bilateral economic and trade prospects. Governance in the United States relies not only on decision making by top government officials, think tanks, entrepreneurs, the media and a diverse range of other organizations also exert significant influence on U.S. politics. Thus, undertaking public diplomacy was an important task for me. As ambassador, and to promote China in the United States, I traveled all over the nation, delivering more than 200 public speeches during my tenure.
  In August 1993, good news came about a possible warming of China-U.S. relations. The then U.S. National Security Adviser Anthony Lake told me that President Clinton hoped to talk with the then Chinese President Jiang Zemin during the first APEC summit meeting, which was scheduled to take place in Seattle in November of that year. I emphasized that while the APEC meeting was an informal event, the meeting between the two leaders would have to be formal and official. Jiang’s U.S. visit was successful, and in meeting with Clinton, the Chinese leader focused on how China-U.S. relations could be developed in the 21st century.
  During the Clinton administration, though, U.S. policy toward China often changed course, which adversely affected the bilateral relationship.
  In April 1994, I met Lake at the funeral of former U.S. President Richard Nixon. Lake said the White House had decided to send a special envoy to Beijing for talks on the United States’most-favored-nation treatment of China. In this way, President Clinton would engage directly with Beijing on the issue. In the end, the Clinton administration continued to apply mostfavored-nation treatment to China and also supported China’s entry into the World Trade Organization.   During my tenure as ambassador, the worst problem to affect China-U.S. relations was when Washington allowed the then Taiwan leader Lee Teng-hui to visit the United States in 1995. As a result, China-U.S. relations hit rock bottom. From June to October 1995, China recalled itself ambassadors. Only after the U.S. Government promised to abide by the one-China policy, did I return to Washington D.C.
  Over the past two decades, the nature of China-U.S. relations has basically not changed. Despite the two nations’ many differences, their common interests have continued to grow, with economic and trade interdependency reaching unprecedented levels. The two governments have also cooperated in political, military, security and cultural affairs.
  Particularly in recent years, the heads of state of China and the United States have frequently met one another, underpinning the steady and healthy development of bilateral relations. The atmosphere is very different from what I experienced while I was ambassador. Although new disputes and problems between China and United States have emerged, the two governments are capable of controlling and managing them.
  In my opinion, the key to developing China-U.S. relations further is for the two peoples to realize that China’s economic growth is a fact and China-U.S. relations are beneficial to both countries. China has repeatedly made clear that China is becoming richer and stronger but has no intention of challenging others. Instead, China is willing to share development opportunities and benefits with other nations.
  The China-U.S. relationship is one of the world’s most important diplomatic relationships. Steady progress in bilateral ties will undoubtedly benefit the world at large.
[编者按]本刊推出的“课题研究培训”活动,受到了老师们的欢迎。有老师来信:“对于课题的分解与研究,能不能给我们一些具体的例子,让我们有形象的感受。”所以,本次培训活动,我们推出宜兴市杨巷小学对“小学生自主习作”课题的分项研究,希望能给您带来一些认识和思考。    自主习作是指学生在教师的指导下,充分利用所积累的素材,融合自己的感受,能动地、积极地、创造性地进行习作。自主习作指导应把握好以下几个方面
It is sometimes hard to take in the fact that 45 years have passed since the Shanghai Communiqué was issued; it seems to have happened only yesterday. Yet the
在学生习作自主评改过程中要努力指导学生写评语,即指导学生根据习作要求,围绕习作中的标点、字词、句段、习作方法、训练重点等作出评点,写好眉批和总批。这样,在评批过程中积累语言,发展思维,提高认识,既有利于增强学生咬文嚼字、品味语言等学习语文的能力,也有利于提高学生的写作水平。    一、 眉批的写法指导    1. 评改标点。知道逗号、顿号、书名号、破折号、省略号、分号、句号、感叹号、问号等标点符号
汶川地震给灾区人民带来巨大灾难的同时,也考验了中华民族不屈不挠的精神和万众一心的凝聚力。一个半月过后,我利用期末考试的契机,通过试卷引领学生通过那一行行流淌着真情的文字,回眸了那段刚刚上演的惊心动魄的历史——为学生精心烹制的一道“心灵鸡汤”呀!现撷取其中几束小小的思维花絮,呈献给小语界同仁,权作抛砖引玉。  【例题1】读读下面一段话,根据拼音在括号中写出成语。  倒塌的教学楼下掩埋了100多名师生
语文试后,优等生因成功而热情高涨,学困生因失败而心灰意冷。在试后评价中,怎样让学困生也享受成功,调动他们考试后的学习积极性呢?笔者做了有益的尝试。    一、 善待错误,鼓励重来    请记住,成功的欢乐是一种巨大的情绪力量,如若缺失这种力量,教育上的任何巧妙措施都是无济于事的。针对学困生,我们采取特殊的试后评价方式,善待他们的错误,讲究宽容、沟通、让步。我们的具体做法是,试后把学困生拉在身边,找