案件初发 1999年9月27日20时许,4名犯罪分子蒙面、着迷彩服、持(类)冲锋枪、左轮手枪、军刺刀,冒充公安民警,闯入河南省汝南县马乡镇雷庄村代庄组彭克志家的小卖部,用受害人家的麻袋绳、皮带、床单将彭家3人和一名买东西的群众捆绑,实施抢劫。随后这伙犯罪分子还不甘心,指名让彭带路要到对面做粮食收购生意的李东家。彭不愿去,4名歹徒就将彭扛到李家门口。叫开门后,先拽断电话线,然后将李家3人捆绑,抢走现金1200元和一件军大衣。李稍有反抗,歹徒将其腹部捅了一刀。接到群众报案后,驻马店市、汝南县公安机关组织警力投入侦破。期间,又先后了解到,9月25日夜,5名犯罪分子在上蔡县西洪乡腰店村外,持枪蒙面抢劫了3名骑摩托车的行人。9月26日21
The case was first issued On September 27, 1999, at about 20:00, four criminals were masked, fanatched in color suits, armed with assault rifles, revolvers and bayonets, posing as police officers and broke into the thunderstruck in Ma Township, Runan County, Henan Province Zhuangcun Daizhuang group Peng Kezhi’s family canteen, with the victim’s home sacks ropes, belts, sheets will be Peng 3 and a bunch of people to buy things tied to the implementation of robbery. Then this group of criminals still not willing, named Peng Road to go to the opposite side to do the food business acquisition Li Dong. Peng do not want to go, four criminals will carry Peng to Lee’s door. After opening the door, first cut off the phone line, and then tied the Lee 3 people, snatched the cash 1,200 yuan and a military coat. Lee rebelled slightly, gangster stabbed his abdomen. After receiving reports from the masses, Zhumadian City and Runan County public security organs organized police to crack down on them. In the meantime, he also learned that on the night of September 25, five criminals masked and robbed three pedestrians riding motorcycles outside the Yaodian Village, Xixiang Township, Shangcai County. September 26th