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  Hangzhou JR Exhibition Company became the first high-tech aproved exhibition company in Zhejiang
  In January, Hangzhou JR Exhibition Company was awarded the certificate of National High-tech Enterprises and became the first exhibition company to receive this approval in Zhejiang Province.
  As one of the Chinese exhibition companies pioneering in technology R&D, JR Exhibition has been making conscious effort to build its information platform and upgrading its digital products. The platform initiated in 2017 will greatly enhance the work efficiency of its exhibitors. In the future, apart from its own products, the Company also plans to link into third-party quality exhibition products to be an integrated platform.
  JR Exhibition thinks that long-term technology investment is a solid stone in the process of making a turn-key exhibition company, and that receiving the certificate is a milestone in the journey of “exhibition plus digitization”.
  日前, 澳大利亚展览与活动协会(EEAA)与Explori公司签署行业调研合作协议,将共同出版关于会展行业的标志性的调研报告。合作关系将提升EEAA年度展览市场监测风向标中所收集数据的质量,并使EEAA更好地将澳大利亚的会展业发展情况与全球情况进行对比。
  EEAA partners with Explori for research
  The Exhibition and Event Association of Australasia (EEAA) has sealed an international research partnership with Explori to produce a new benchmark research study for the exhibition and event industry. The partnership will improve the quality of data collected by the Association for its annual Market Monitor, as well as allow the industry to be benchmarked against the rest of the world.
  Aichi International Exhibition Center: the first privately operated venue in Japan
  GL events has been selected as preferred bidder, in consortium with Maeda Corporation, to operate for 15 years the future Aichi International Exhibition Center by Aichi Prefecture. GL events will hold a majority stake in the operating company. This future 60,000-sqm world class exhibition facility will be located in Tokoname (Nagoya metropolitan area – 2 million inhabitants, Japan’s 4th largest city), next to Chubu Centrair International Airport. This is the first concession granted to a private operator for the management of a Japanese exhibition facility.
2018年1月27日至30日,由法兰克福展览集团举办的一系列展会:Paperworld – 法兰克福国际纸制品及办公用品世界展览会,Creativeworld – 法兰克福DIY手工制作及创意文具展览会,Christmasworld – 法兰克福国际圣诞礼品世界展览会以及Floradecora贸易展览会在德国法兰克福圆满举行,制造商与零售商在新的一年取得了开门红,四展成功吸引来自69个国家的302
雅加达国际博览中心占地约44公顷的土地面积,被称为印度尼西亚最佳会展场馆之一。博览中心位于雅加达市中心,附近既有机场又有港口,无论是航运或陆运都既方便又快捷,目前共有10万平方米的展览区和会议区。  为应对日益增长的行业需求,目前博览中心建造了一个新的会议中心和剧院。这座30000平米的建筑有许多宴会厅、会议室和巨大的三层礼堂和拱廊大厅。奠基仪式在2016年年初举行,并于2018年年中開始投入使用
Covering a total land area of approximately 44 hectares, Jakarta International Expo(often abbreviated as JIExpo) is known as one of the best destinations for the MICE industry stakeholders in Indonesi
The recent merger of Informa and UBM is yet another case of cooperation in a more marketoriented exhibition industry. Also, the organizers are more aware of that by presenting excellent exhibition con
China and Thailand both as prominent exhibition markets in Asia Pacific region, have tightened up bilateral cooperation particularly in recent years. During the 83rd UFI Congress in Shanghai in Novemb
法兰克福印度分公司收购印度最大健身展  近日,法兰克福展览公司印度分公司宣布收购印度次大陆最大的健身与健康展Fitex India。该展会从2014年创办,每年在德里举办。2016年展会迎来42家参展商,接待12000名专业观众,展会总面积为7000平米。  2018年第四届展会将于5月5-6日在India Expo Centre & Mart博览中心举办,由法兰克福展览和原主办方联合组织。并购之
●UFI’s Global Barometer shows positive turnover developments in all regions for the second half of 2018  ●Profits for 2017 maintained a good level, but fewer companies expect to grow profits in 2018,
Please briefly introduce the convention and exhibition facilities of Perth Convention and Exhibition Center(“PCEC”).  Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre(PCEC) is Western Australia’s only dedicated
Christian Goke出任德國大型展览主办方协会发言人  日前,柏林展览公司执行委员会主席Christian G?ke博士被德国大型展览主办方协会成员一致选举为协会发言人。该职位此前由纽伦堡展览集团首席执行官Roland Fleck博士从2016年1月担任至今。Christian G?ke博士于2000年加入柏林展览公司执行委员会并从2013年7月开始担任委员会主席。  Dr. Christ
编者按:2017年12月7-8日,第十届韩国国际展览产业博览会(“韩国展中展”)在韩国KINTEX展览中心举行。展会由韩国展览组织者协会、韩国展览业振兴会、韩国展览设计搭建协会、韩国会展服务商协会等机构共同主办,并得到高阳市贸易、工业和能源部等官方机构支持。70多家来自韩国和亚洲等多地的展览业机构和企业参展。  展会旨在一站式链接韩国展览产业资源。展会设有专门的一对一洽谈活动区,并包含数场展览专题