10 Chimese New Year Traditions You Don'tKonw

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  As the most significant and oldest festival in China, Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) is associated with a great deal of traditions and customs. Some of them are dying out, so people feel that the festival become less interesting and conventional1. Now, let’s discover the ten vanishing traditions you may not know.
  1. Worshiping the Kitchen God2
      Legend has it that on December 23rd of lunar calendar the Kitchen God will make a year-end report about human’s good and evil deeds to the Jade Emperor of heaven.
   Toward evening, each family is anxious about their evil deeds exposed to the emperor, so they burn incense, set off firecrackers and worship the god with ‘bribery’ like cakes, nuts and dried fruits. Therefore, the Kitchen God will only report their good side. In fact, the enshrining activity is mainly for a smooth, wealthy and healthy expectation for the future life.
   Now, most people are using gas stove and electric cooker instead of fire stove, so the superstition also disappears. You know how dangerous it is to worship by a gas cooker with burning incense and firecrackers indoors.
   2. Kowtowing to Elders
      Chinese New Year greeting etiquette3 is not like kissing, embrace and handshaking in western countries. In the past, the first thing for a New Year visit started with kowtowing to the elders. No matter how old you are, if there is someone older than you, you need to kneel down to show respect and grateful feeling to the elders. It is really a physical challenging work if you have a big family and you happen to be the youngest.
   Nowadays, the young generation rejects such a way of greeting, so the etiquette is abandoned gradually in modern cities, while in some rural areas, the tradition is still kept.
   3. Staying Up on the New Year’s Eve
   According to the legend story, the fierce monster Nian would come to harm people and livestock4 on the Eve, which would cause great damage to people’s a whole year efforts. To avoid its attack, people will shut doors and stay in sober mind. Staying up all night, people will find something to kill the time, such as chatting, eating and gambling. It is really difficult to keep restless for a whole night, so Chinese people now begin to abandon this tradition.
   4. No Sweeping and Dumping on the New Year’s Day
      In the old days, it was considered as improper doings to make a sweeping or dumping on the first day of the festival, for it foreboded that all the good luck and fortune would be driven far. However, people now are likely to keep the house clean and tidy, especially when they have guests. Therefore, the practice is weeded out.    5. Open-door Firecracker
   People will fall over each other to set off the firecrackers in the early morning of New Year’s Day. Once they wake up, it is the first thing to do. People wish that they can welcome the good luck inside when they open the doors. Some companies will also set off the open-door firecrackers during 6th to 8th of lunar January when people returns to work. The firecrackers lead to air pollution and also bring to potential hazard, so now the tradition is more commonly seen in rural areas.
   6. Offering Sacrifices5 to the God of Wealth
      Folklore has it that the fifth day of the Spring Festival is the God of Wealth’s birthday. People want the god to visit their houses with good luck, so they prepare a big dinner at home to celebrate the god’s birthday. The sacrifices ceremony usually begins around 24:00 to 01:00am on that day. In the present days, the custom has been vanishing gradually.
   7. Staying Indoors on the Third Day of the New Year
   According to the tradition superstition6, the third day is called Chigou’s Day. Chigou, literally ‘red dog’, is the God of Rage, who is irritable. If people travel outside, they may have a squabble or quarrel with others. Now, Spring Festival is a good chance for separated friends and families to get together, so people do not care about the taboo at all.
   8. Sending the Poor Devil Away
   The sixth day of Chinese New Year is the time to send the Poor Devil away in folklore. The Poor Devil is said to be a short and thin man who likes dressing in rags and eating porridge. Even given new clothes, he would wear it after tearing the clothes or burning holes on them. After his death, people make the sixth day as the day to send him away. On this day, all the trash should be littered, which symbolizes that all the poverty and hardship will be thrown away.
   9. Going to the Butcher’s on December 26th
   December 26th of the lunar calendar used to be the day to go to the butcher’s for meat shopping. In the past, people could only enjoy the meat during festivals because of poverty. Some people raised livestock on their own, and they would also find a butcher to help slaughter their pigs, oxen or sheep. Now, people don’t prepare the festival food on a fixed day, but in a flexible and free schedule.
   10. Washing and Bathing on December 27th or 28th
   Before the New Year, people will wash all their dirty clothes on that day, for they think all the filth7 will be washed away and the good luck is coming. Taking a bath on December 28th of the lunar calendar is also needed, all the sickness will be expelled away, and health will sustain. Since every household has the washing machine and people get used to taking daily shower, so this custom has faded away.
高中英语阅读是英语教学中的重要组成部分,教师应不断完善英语阅读教学思路,提高学生的阅读技巧,加强学生对英语阅读的认知水平,促进学生阅读能力的提高。因此教师应积极采用有效的英语阅读教学策略,提高英语阅读教学效率。  1. 激发学生的阅读情感  学生在阅读中能够收获很多知识和阅读情感,并且能够满足学生的审美能力的培养,让学生感受到英语的魅力。教师应为学生安排合适的阅读材料,引发学生学习的兴趣,激发学生
“书面表达”是考查综合运用英语能力的一种题型,也是高考英语必考的题型,同时也是学生薄弱的环节。本文分析了影响书面表达的因素,并提出强化写作策略,有效提高高三学生的书面表达能力。  1. 当前高三学生书面表达存在的主要问题  学生写作兴趣不高并且缺乏良好的写作习惯,还有母语的负迁移作用影响了其应用能力;教师在教学实践中,重词句操练轻书面表达,重写作结果轻过程指导。  2. 书面表达的策略  教师要改
荆州新闻网消息(记者 卢艳 马蓓)教育部部长袁贵仁在全国两会上表示,今年将新增3个省,明年再增7个省在高考时使用“全国卷”,从2016年开始,湖北省高考所有科目都将使用全国卷,这就意味着,实施12年的高考半自主命题模式将于明年画上句号。那么试卷全国统一后,考试题型会有哪些变化?考试试卷的改变将对考生有何影响?  从2016年开始,湖北省高考将使用全国统一试卷,意味着目前就读高二的学生,将成为我省取
从武汉市教育局获悉,今年在该市“创新素质实践行”活动中获奖的学生不再享受中考加分的优录政策。  昨日,2015年武汉市“创新素质实践行”评选启动,今年取消对获得市级奖项的应届初中毕业生的中考加分优录政策。同时,将加大对全市中小学生综合素质评价中参与“创新素质实践行”活动情况的评价权重,在当年市级活动中获奖的各年级中小学生,其综合素质评价的相应维度(义务教育阶段的“学习能力与实践能力”维度、普通高中
保持稳定,各科难度值没有变化,英语听力、理化中涉及考试内容有部分微调。  据介绍,今年中考文化考试共5份试卷(含1份合卷)、6门学科。所有学科均实行“网上阅卷”,考试成绩均以分数方式呈现,满分520分。语文、数学和英语每门120分;思想品德40分,实行开卷考试;物理、化学合卷120分。  今年的中考考纲并未像往年一样提供各科“样卷”,而是增加了大量“题型示例”。对于这一变化,市教科院专家表示,“题
湖北日报讯 (记者龚雪、通讯员梁炜)昨日,湖北省暨武汉市青少年校园足球启动仪式在武汉市十二中举行,副省长郭生练出席。根据教育部部署,我省将在3年内,在全省布局700所左右的校园足球特色学校。足球特色学校中,足球从选修课变为必修课,中小学生每周至少1学时、高中生每学年至少18学时足球课。  为落实全国青少年校园足球工作会议和省政府的部署,我省从今年春季开学起,全面启动青少年校园足球工作。省教育厅要求
广东省教育厅厅长罗伟其日前向媒体透露了广东即将出台的高考改革方案内容:广东高考总分为750分,共六科,其中语数外三科各150分,其余三科各100分,由考生从高中学业水平考试中根据自己的报考志愿和兴趣选择计入高考总分。  根据国家招考制度改革的总体要求,广东制定了自己的改革方案,将从2015年9月入学的高一学生开始实施。罗伟其说,按照国家“两依据一参考”的原则,一个依据是高考三科统考,即语数外,共4
海报兼有图像、颜色和文字,是典型的多模态语篇。 本文运用 Kress&Van Leeuwen 的视觉语法理论为框架 ,通过对《捉妖记》戛纳版海报进行分析来阐释海报如何通过图像、文字、布局、色彩实现再现意义、互动意义和语篇意义的建构,达到吸引观众,刺激票房的目的。  1. 电影海报的多模态语篇内涵分析  随着信息工业的飞速发展,人们获取信息的方式呈现越来越多模态特征。模态是指人类通过感官 ( 如听觉
當今社会掌握和运用英语成为每一位学生的必修课,英语教学方法的不断改善也成为教育工作中的重中之重。其中,英语语法作为英语学习的“树干”,是英语学习的重要部分之一。  1. 初中英语语法教学的现状概述分析  初中英语语法教学的现状是相关教育工作者们不容忽视的教学方面之一。根据调查研究表明,很多初中生认为英语学习是一件十分枯燥无聊的事情,尤其对于英语语法更是缺乏兴趣。在传统的英语课堂上,在对于英语语法的
分层教学的实施对教师的要求较高。它是一种基于教师“吃透学生”基础上实施的一种教学模式。分层教学并不是简单对学生分层,设计分层内容、分层作业那么简单的一件事,它涉及到教师应如何实施、如何把控、如何分层,以取得更好的教学效果。本文拟结合教师的实践教学经验,分析英语课堂中的分层教学。  1. 目标分层,奠定实效教学基础  “跳一跳,摘桃子”,这句话提醒教师在设计教学目标时,要留足弹性发展空间。教学目标分