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北齐是佛教中兴的时代。开国皇帝高洋“登祚受禅”之际,“于僧稠禅师受菩萨戒,断肉禁酒,放鹰除网,又断天下屠,年三月六日,劝民斋戒,公私荤辛除灭之,度人八千。”[1]当时政治文化中心的邺都,“大寺略计四千,见住僧尼仅将八万,讲席相距二百有余,在众常听出过一万”[2]。北齐奉佛的空前壮举是大规模的刻经。但是,史学家并没有留下当时刻经活动的任何记载,在长达一千多年的时间里,散布在山中的刻经不闻于世。清朝乾嘉以来,因为金石学兴盛,北齐刻经才回到人们的视线里。残存的一些刻经题记显示,当时的朝中显贵、地方官吏、豪门强族、沙门僧官都投入到刻经活动之中。他们捐舍赀财,踏勘山林,召募工匠,凿山开 Northern Qi Dynasty is the era of Buddhist Chung Hsing. On the occasion of the founding emperor Gao Yang, “Ascended the throne by the Zen,” “the monk Chou Zen master by the Bodhisattva ring, cut off the meat Prohibition, put the eradication net, but also cut off the world Tu, March 6, advised the people fasting, public and private C Syria eliminated eight thousand people. ”[1] At that time, all political and cultural center of the capital, “ big temple a little four thousand, see monks and nuns only 80,000, more than two hundred seats apart, in the often heard Out of ten thousand ”[2]. The unprecedented feast of Northern Qi Feng Buddhism is a large carved scriptures. However, the historian did not leave any record of what was going on at the moment, and the carving of the mountains was not heard in the world for more than a thousand years. Since the Qing Dynasty, Qianjia, because of the prosperous gemmology, the Northern Qi engraved before returning to people’s attention. Some of the remnants of the carved inscriptions show that at the time dignitaries and high officials, local officials, wealthy men, and Shamen monks devoted themselves to carving activities. They donated wealth, explore mountain forests, recruit artisans, chisel mountain open
<正> 奈达(Eugene Albert Nida,1914—)是美国语言学家和翻译家。作为语言学家,他不断汲取以前的和当代的语言学家的研究成果,在学术上颇多建树。奈达早年受萨丕尔和布龙菲尔