【摘 要】
The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne’s most famous novel, focuses on the effect of sin on its main characters, making readers ponder about the overwhelming influence
The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne’s most famous novel, focuses on the effect of sin on its main characters, making readers ponder about the overwhelming influence of sin on people’s mind. The two sinners, Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, live in the shadow of sin and struggle bitterly to face it, only to find their effort futile. Once a sinner, always a sinner, the narrator seems to tell us in this way. Although the sinners in the novel spare no effort to redeem their sins, whether they are pardoned or not at last, no one could tell. The feeling of the sin, the bearing of the sin, and the acting of redemption compromise the most splendid part of the novel.
The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne’s most famous novel, focuses on the effect of sin on its main characters, making readers ponder about the overwhelming influence of sin on people’s mind. The two sinners, Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, live in the shadow of sin and even bitterly to face it, only to find their effort futile. Once a sinner, always a sinner, the narrator seems to tell us in this way. Although the sinners in the novel spare no effort to redeem their sins, whether they are pardoned or not at last, no one could tell. The feeling of the sin, the bearing of the sin, and the acting of redemption compromise the most splendid part of the novel.
摘要:素质教育往往侧重从学生的角度出发,相对忽视教师的价值取向。新的素质教育观,不仅要考虑到学生的价值取向,也要考虑到教师的价值取向,既要解放学生,又要解放教师,让教师与学生比翼齐飞。只有这样,素质教育才会取得实质性的进展、取得丰硕的成果。 关键词:素质教育;价值观;比翼齐飞;双向发展 在探讨素质教育时,人们往往侧重从学生的角度出发,相对忽视教师的价值取向。然而,在教育的诸多因素中,最基本的两
【摘要】随着素质教育的全面推进,以及新课程标准对中职英语教育教学的明文规定,毋容置疑对中职英语教学提出了更高的要求。可是,许多中职生连26個字母也写不出的比比皆是,基于中职英语教学的实际和中职生的实际,提出中职英语趣味教学有实践意义。 【关键词】中职英语 英语教学 趣味教学 趣味课堂 随着重点高中、普通高中的扩招,中职生的英语成绩更显得相对薄弱。曾经对新入学的中职生进行测试,其结果是竟然有百分
小麦赤霉病(Fusarium Head Blight)和茎腐(Crown Root)是影响我国和澳大利亚小麦高产、稳产和品质的重要因素之一,两种病是由同种禾谷镰刀菌引起的小麦不同部位的病害.研究表
【Abstract】Jane Austen’s inherent gift of using irony has made her novels perfectly attractive to readers and critics. Irony exists in every level of Austen’s fiction varying from language, characters,
“They cannot represent themselves;they must be represented.”Edward W.Said has quoted this remark from Karl Marx to lay it out on the head page of his represen
【摘要】本文笔者通过明确学习目标、增加评估手段和开展多样的课外活动三个方面对于英语口语初级教学过程中存在的问题进行讨论,最后得出应该让学生明确目标,充分利用课下时间,积极开展口语交流活动,及时评价并反馈,从而有利于学生的口语水平。希望这篇文章对于口语老师有所帮助或启发。 【关键词】语言能力 英语口语 基础阶段 评估 语言是人类交流的重要手段,良好的口语是必不可少的。口语的好坏与否,主要表现在发
应用荧光显微镜和常规石蜡切片观察侧金盏花(Adonis amurensis)花粉管生长和受精作用的全过程。结果表明,侧金盏花为湿型柱头,授粉后1–2小时,花粉粒与柱头识别;授粉后2–4小