在多年研制中药化学数据库基础上,由中科院周家驹研究员等编著的“中药原植物化学成分集(三卷集)”近日由科学出版社隆重出版。该书收集整理了直至2005年中外科学家发表的5 507篇(部)文献中的中药成分化合物23 033种,涉及药用植物6 760种,其中7 819种化合物含有药理模型实验数据,是包括结构化学、中药化学、药用植物学、分子药理学等多学科信息的大型工具书。
On the basis of years of research and development of Chinese medicine chemical database, “Chinese original phytochemical composition set (three volumes)” written by the researcher Zhou Jialu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc., was recently published by Science Press. The book collects and collates up to 23,033 Chinese herbal compound compounds in 5,507 articles published by Chinese and foreign scientists in 2005, involving 6 760 medicinal plants, of which 7 819 compounds contain experimental data of pharmacological models and include structures. A large-scale tool for multidisciplinary information such as chemistry, Chinese medicine chemistry, medicinal botany, and molecular pharmacology.