大面积栽培食用菌,其下脚料——菌渣的处理与利用,是栽培者必须面对和经常咨询的问题之一。为此,笔者查阅有关菌渣的分析资料,进行菌渣的再利用尝试。至今已取得了一些经验,现介绍如下:1 作为酸性有机肥改善盐碱地 当栽培袋出三潮菇后,基料的pH值大部分降至5~4,所以可作为一种很好的酸性农家肥,施用在盐碱地里。据笔者试验,施用后的碱地小麦,茎秆粗
Large-area cultivation of edible mushrooms, its waste - the treatment and utilization of bacteria residue, grower must face and often one of the issues in consultation. To this end, I check the analysis of bacteria residue information, try bacterium residue reuse. Some experience has been achieved so far, as follows: 1 As the acid organic fertilizer to improve the saline soil When the bag cultivation three tidal mushrooms, most of the base pH value dropped to 5 to 4, so it can be used as a good acid farm Fertilizer, applied in saline land. According to the author test, after application of alkaline wheat, stalks rough