Do my best and grow with the organizer

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  Today’s exhibition market sees the emerging of exhibition projects worldwide. For exhibition agents, not only peer competition is ever stronger than before, exhibitors have also grown to be maturer, which means, instead of participating blindly, trade companies now select international exhibitions more carefully and focus more on the trade effect of the fairs. In this context, Chinese exhibition companies which have established a cooperation relationship with overseas exhibition organizers with quality trade fairs find it much easier to survive and to profit. Beijing Bunch Exhibition Services Ltd is just among such agents.
  Fo u n d e d i n 1 9 9 7 , B u n c h Exhibition officially served as the China representative of Allworld Exhibitions in 2002, after providing consulting and promotion services for the latter for several years. This day, Bunch exhibitions promote about 40 exhibition projects for Allworld Exhibitions each year, most of which are in southeast Asia. As the traditional EU and US market is saturated, the southeast Asia market is gaining favor with trade companies worldwide. As a result, the business of Bunch Exhibition is growing rapidly, with more agents and CCPIT subcouncils coming to seek cooperation, and what the company is especially satisfied that Allworld Exhibitions takes care of its agents and screen them from vicious competition from other exhibition companies in China. Each year, the management level from Allworld Exhibitions would come to China to supervise the sales progress of Bunch Exhibitions. “We feel like we are a family.” Yang Ou, General Manager of Bunch Exhibitions observed.
  C o n c e r n i n g t h e f u t u r e development of the company, Yang thinks that he would continue to be a loyal agent for Allworld Exhibitions in China. “In cooperation, not everyone wants to be the major part, small part also plays a role. So, we will do our best to promote the exhibition projects of Allworld Exhibitions here in China before seeking other growth point.” In fact, Bunch Exhibition has shared with the success of Allworld Exhibitions. For instance, as the Indonesia market expands recently, after splitting several synchronous exhibitions into independent ones, the total exhibition spaces of these projects increase greatly, and the sales space allocated to Bunch Exhibitions rose from about 500 square meters to 8,000 square meters, once again strengthened the status of Bunch Exhibitions as a major strategic partner of Allworld Exhibitions.
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